So, I want to know, are your goldfish in the front pond still there, or did they get washed away? Glad the water receded for you, Colleen!!! Scary for sure! I can't imagine living where your house was sitting too low, as any amount of heavy rain is going to flood it! Geesh, why do people build like that EVER!
Mosquitos last night were coming out of the woodwork here, too. Each time I watered a flower or plant, they came flying out and attacking me. I'll wear repellant from now on, as I HATE to get bitten by those suckers. I don't see any larvae in the kiddie pool anymore, not since the first time I noticed them, was going to dump it, then noticed no more of them. Either some frogs and tadpoles have moved in or the skeeters have found another place to lay their eggs. I have an area of the barn that got dug out, never backfilled, where water stands, but again, there are bullfrogs that have found easy meals in there, so hate to spray for the mosquitos. I think once the frogs find the water areas, the mosquitos are kept in check. That's my theory anyhow ...