For sure, most people should leave flood zone, some day I will be too old to fight the flood, and will have to be dragged out of flood zone kicking and screaming, but I still think people should have the option to stay, like people have the option to chase tornados, and other risky things. If you force people to leave, lots will just hide out in their homes. If you tell them to leave, but give them the option to stay, then at least you will know who is still out there at risk. I believe they found a body in high river of somebody in their house, they probably hid and died hiding....
In the badly washed out town of High River, the whole town was supposed to leave, over 300 people were found hiding and refused to leave. You will always have people that refuse to leave, but if you let them choose to stay, then you will know they are there at least.
I would not advise anyone to stay if you are evacuated. It is stressfull not knowing if you will have water surrounding the house or not. I think it is more stressful to watch the water creep closer to your house than just evacuating.
The hubby and I took turns sleeping, someone was always on "flood duty"during the flood event. We live in a low risk area in terms of "swept away" but we do get sewer backup. The creek backs up slowly where I am and you can "see it comming" most of the times.
Women with children and elderly should leave always, even if just a sewer back up. Sewer backup can bring much disease as well.
I will always choose to stay as my whole life is invested in this house and yard. We have fought off many floods and have lived here since 1987. I know what to expect in most cases. I am prepared. We have boats, life jackets, and other emergency stuff.
One day the flood will be too big for me, as history repeats itself, and I will have to paddle my way to the nearby hill. There was a very big creek back up during winter in this town during the 1950's that saw much water all around the house. Nobody was killed during that flood backup, as the river ice jam caused the creek to back up. The military was called in to bomb the ice jam, but many homes were flooded....