GPS and you can find most any place you want to go .Well except my house it keeps saying you are pulling into an open field so be careful ,not sure why by now it is not on the stupid thing .I updated my GPS on there sight and it says even on there that location or address not found .I'm lost find me
Actually sissy thats a good thing, they say you want to set your gps "home" site for a place near your home but not your home. That way if anyone breaks into your car to steal your gps they can't find your house to rob you. I guess they grab the gps and garage door opener to make it easier to do.
Got most of the plumbing done to fix the water output in my upper pool so I can run the stream on a timer. The outlet is about a 1 to 1 1/2' below the water surface level so when I would turn off the pump unless I would close the ball valve I installed near the upper pool the water would just drain back down. So I bought everything to use a couple one way flow valves so it can turn off without draining back down.
Here is the outlet in the upper pool. Over winter I just had a cap on it to stop water from draining in and freezing in the line.
Here is the new outlet I built for it using sump pump 1 1/2" one way valves for the water outlets.
The only mistake I made was when I was at the store I planned to put a screw on adapter onto the current outlet so I could screw in the new one for summer and then replace it with a screw on piece of pvc that has a cap on it to stop water from draining into the line. Only mistake I made was I planned on putting a male adapter onto the current outlet and using female adapters for the covers, but I accidently put a female adapter on so now I need to go back to the store to get another male adapter to complete the project. Guess thats what happens when you are using PVC glue and have a 3 year old who wants to help.

But was able to keep her away from the glue so thats what matters.
I also decided to add some kind of falls/stream feature to the top to circulate the water in the upper pool and add to the landscape. So I began adding a 5' wide liner to the upper pool.
Here is the area I am going to add it to.
So I started pulling back the rocks and cleaning the dirt off the existing liner.

In the last picture you can see the new outlet cap I made to stop the water from draining back into the lower pond/flexible pvc pipe.
Here I have the liner in place and the double sided liner tape (used in roofing, got it at menards) set to help seal the two liners. I also will be using roofing sealant.

The bottom end isn't going to have water sitting level under it like it did in my stream so I wasn't too worried about sealing the end with a single sided tape like I did in my stream. The water will only flow into the top of the pool.

Now its ready for me to figure out what stone I will use and exactly how I will assemble it. Not going to say exactly how yet because it will probably be something I plan on the fly based off a vague idea I have in my head, lets just say I want a gorge effect with a rushing stream in the middle. Probably won't make sense until I get it all together. Will be a short feature depending on how much large stone I have and rely on waterfall foam to guide the water. Here is another view again, ready for fill and shaping. I also have a little more underlay left over that I will use under it also.
Also got some bubls from my mom last fall and planted them all around the garden. They have started coming up, forget what kind of plant they are, just hope we don't get a frost so it doesn't kill them early. They would come back, but just not until next summer. Kind of the story in this area, a lot of perennials are coming up early and our lilac already is leafing out, will be interesting to see what happens.