Starting about yesterday the fish have been a lot more active and swimming closer to the surface, the water was at about 48 degrees yesterday, so getting a lot better. Gonna have to look for some spring/fall food to see if I can get them to start eating soon once I know the weather is going to hold.
But with the weather change I also discovered a new problem. Two days ago the pump that I had running all winter suddenly stopped. I thought it was because of all the string algae that was in the pond. I raked most of it out, but thought maybe some had gotten in the impeller and clogged it up. So today I went to pull it out and hose it off since it was so nice out and this is what I found.
Some varmint had chewed the cord (and was not hurt by it, because it wasn't next to the cord). Then I discovered that it had severed one of my other pump cords (pump is still in the bottom of the pond).
Luckily my father-in-law knows how to attach new plugs to both for me and I should still have enough cord to make it to the outlet, but that leads me to my question, who else has had this problem and what do you do to deter them?
The animal chewed them in the space right before they go into the outlet. Here it is below.
Here are the gaps that are around it, so I could potentially run the wires under the deck and then leave them in this gap and then put some wire or something else to cover the holes, but that may not keep it all the way out. Figure could cover the lines with rocks under the deck until they make it to the outlet but the animal could still chew them there as it did this time. Here are the gaps under the deck around the outlet.
Not sure if I stapled some wire mesh to the sides to block the holes (1/4") if that would keep them out or if they would make it around that somehow.
So what does everyone else do to deter critters from chewing their electric lines? Is there something you put there to deter them, or that you wrap the lines in? Still surprised it didn't get zapped when it hit the live wires. The day wasn't a total loss though as I managed to dig out my firepit and relay all the stones around it.