A light sensor I use on my outside lights but that is for dusk to dawn The sensor would not turn it on during the day .But they do sell the plug in timers that you can set for anytime of the day and that would work as long as you have another pump going to filter the water for the fish .I am using one of those on my stock tank since there are only plants in there and no need for a real filter and I feel I will only need the pump going during the daytime hours .I'm guessing the frogs will find it fast this summer and I will have tadpoles in there to clean it .Oh also you need the heavy duty timer as the light weight one is no good for a pump .My son got mine and he got it from an electical supply store ,not sure where else you can buy one .
I'll have to check at Lowes or H-depot and see if they have any. Thanks guys!
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