Haha, and I thought I was weird going outside without a jacket in the 50's! Shows how we get used to the temps. My sister in AZ would not be caught outside in the70's without a light jacket.

Go Green Bay!
Patti for the most of this winter I have been wearing a spring coat and a light hat. I think I only broke out my Columbia when it hit zero, and I didn't even used to do that, I used to just wear sweat shirts all winter and not a coat, since I would really only need the coat for going in and out of places, figuring the car heated up quick enough and I hated carrying the coat around the store. Gotten wimpier since then so started wearing a coat again, plus my daughter would question why she had to wear one if dad wasn't.
We were in florida in 2010 in the fall and the weather was only going to be a high of 55 and they were talking about how cold it was going to be. It is all relative to what you are used to.
Couldn't agree more Tmann, it all depends on what you get used to being in. My older brother is in the service and since he has been sent to the middle east and dealt with their temps he has said the cold here gets to him more than it used to.
like they say some people have thin skin and feel the cold more .So guess if you are used to higher temps anything below 70 gives you the shivers and we go to places like that and it is 70 and we are sweating .REMEMBER AGE DOES THAT TO YOU ALSO .
Sissy anything over 80 and humid is borderline miserable for me. I don't mind 80 in summer, but higher than that is unbearable.
Well the snow melted great on tuesday and got a lot of cool pictures so I will be making 2 posts for them. The weather has been warmer than normal, but was still a little chilly wed and today because it was cloudy, but still better to be in the 30's than the teens.
Here is what the pond looked like Tuesday afternoon:

Here is the bubbler keeping the hole open in the ice. I think the ice is still a few inches thick, I haven't ever tested it for fear I would give my daughter the idea. Maybe next year when she's a little older.
Then I saw the sun poking through the clouds and reflecting in the water:

Here are some close ups of the cattails I added in fall:

Got some really cool ones to post next, but about to have dinner with my mother and father-In-law, so I will post them later.