Yep, I'm very concerned about Sissy. She NEVER is gone this long, or we know where she has gone to! I just hope nothing has happened to her or her family.
Electricity is out in such a huge area, I think they said thousands of people still out of electricity on the east coast. Glad your house is ok, Addy! I can't imagine not having AC for over a day! I would NOT be staying home. At least in the winter when the power goes out, you can run lanterns and kerosene heaters for heat, but when it's hot, nothing helps!
I got a total of .4" of rain yesterday, and although it was far less that areas close to me, I'm ever so thankful for what I got. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 102, sunny, no rain and day off, so going to be working outside, which will be pretty miserable. I suspect I will be swimming with the fishes before the day is over to cool off. :razz: