LMAO, ... asking neighbors to contribute! OMG!!! Now, if someone begins reading about your raccoon deterrent now, they will think, "How has JW figured out how to keep them away?" All I can say is ... read more of the previous posts on this thread. So, if your DH is not contributing, are you telling me you are the only contributor so far? Come on, tell us how you are collecting and distributing your deterrent!
I finally got my yard mowed tonight. Wow, was it tall! Had to raise the mower deck, and since I always mow high anyhow, my lawn sweeper did not want to cooperate very well with sweeping it up. My horses whinny and paw at the ground as I drive by with the sweeper, they know they get some of it. I spread it out for them so they have to pick it up, at least then they don't get big mouthfuls at a time and get sick. Never have had a problem. Now I'll need to mow again by weekend, and hopefully then I can drop the deck a notch or two to get it back where it needs to be. My stupid neighbor mowed one pass on my side of the road, where I mow 4 passes. He did this all last year, and I thought I told him not to. When I called his wife and said she should tell him "in a very nice way" to not mow my ditch, she said, "How come?" Well, duh ... it looks like I mowed 1/4 of my ditch and my mower quit, that's why! AND, he mows at least an inch shorter than I do, too. And, when he mows the ditch, he keep blowing it onto the road. How stupid is that? When the roads are hot, and the oil is at the surface, that grass sticks there. Kind of like mulching the road. LOL He's not too bright, can you tell? Anyhow, hopefully that strip won't get mowed twice as many times this summer. They are just not very bright, but I hope I got my point across. We shall see ....