That's the way, ladies! Have a hurricane party if the lights go out. Way to think positive. I'm all out of likes, :angry: so had to comment instead.
Sure I may be over reacting but as someone who grew up on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico I.e "hurricane alley" please read what I have to say. If you are clearly NOT in the predicted direct or extended path of Sandy then by all means have a hurricane party but if your location could be in harms way FOLLOW authorities warnings ESPECIALLY if you are advised to evacuate. There are many departed souls who decided to ride out hurricanes. After one particular hurricane, "Hurricane Camille" my family went in search of missing family. During that search, during which our family was found safe, I personally saw not only the devasting massive destruction, saddly I saw many of the deceased victims strewn all about. A vision that one never forgets. Many of those precious lives could have been saved. It is much better to err on the side of over precaution my friends. Stay safe.
May God watch over all.