I am sad. My pond looks a total mess today.

Thanks (or, more accurately, NO thanks) to our resident moles. They tunnel through our hill garden & sometimes cause areas that severely erode when heavy rains fall & run down through the mole tunnels like some sort of garden super-highway.
Well, yesterday evening we had a rainstorm that dumped over 2" on us in just an hour or so. This morning I got up & looked out at the pond. "Oh, crap! Houston, we've got a problem!!" This is what I saw:

Ugg! Apparently we had a major blow-out in the hill directly behind our big biofall & the upper pool. Sigh...

Yup! Major blow out! (the worst part is, I knew this area was getting problematic & had just mentioned to my husband a couple days ago "We really need to re-do that area before it causes problems." Yeah, day late & a dollar short as always! There was a couple extra inches of dirt piled up that needed to be shoveled out, some rocks & a log that needed to be removed & a bit of raking done. That's got it 'band-aid fixed' until this weekend when we can get in there & really FIX the area so this will not happen again!

The 'exit hole' -

How much extra dirt was piled up! Yikes!

All raked & shoveled out as a temporary fix

What's this?? Must be the work of my able bodied assistant.


How many times can you apologize to fish? "Sorry guys! It'll settle & clear soon!"

Abby's face so clearly expresses the way I was feeling about the entire endeavor.