KG, loved the video above. Gotta share that one!!!
Funny, but I always thought if you DIDN'T have chicken pox when you were a child, you were likely to get shingles. Now it's the other way around. Obviously I remember incorrectly. But, if I can keep from getting that nasty thing, I'll probably take the shot. Yes, some people never have chicken pox as kids. They were likely never exposed to it, some would be immune. But, then they can possibly get it as an adult, right, and if that happens, it's usually far worse than if when they were kids. Also, I think, not positive, that if a child even has 1 or 2 bumps, that's considered having had the pox. Neither of my kids had it bad, but they both had it. I was the same way, according to my baby book. Had it, but not bad, only maybe a dozen spots.
I realize that some people DO get a severe reaction from flu shots, and violently ill, some even die. But the percentage of people that happens to is so minute that it makes it best to get the flu shot. If you stay at home, don't go around the public, then I totally understand not getting a shot and taking the chances. And, even though I don't have a lot of people come to our office, my boss has 3 kids at home in grade and high school. Let me tell you, her kids and her whole family get each and every bug that is going around, and I'm sure she brings sickness with her to work at times. I am a very healthy person, not necessarily because I get the flu shot, but I do whatever possible to stay healthy, including working on my ponds and yards! I don't harass my boss when she doesn't get a flu shot, but it does irritate me when she is sick at least one day a month because of some bug her kids brought home, and her immune system is so low she gets sick easily. She said after last year, she is DEFINITELY going to get the shot again this year. The way I look at it, it can't hurt, and may help keep her healthy. We shall see. :blueflower: