Fish always surprise you. We had a bucket with the loose clay we were dumping in, to control it and also in case a snail was lost. Love my trap doors. I went out to dump the bucket and make sure all the snails were safe. As I was dumping I saw a wiggle and one of my baby fan tails was buried in the clay and still ALIVE unreal. There was some water on top of the clay, not much, and it was a layer of ice. Unreal. It swam away as soon as I put it in the tank.
And I have found a few trap doors crawling through the muck in the hot tub, under the ice layer. So I saved them. One tadpole.
No kidding
@j.w I am so far behind in yard etc work, no biggy it will get done at some time, if not will watch it grow again this summer lol.
I will take advantage of the dumpster, remove as much as possible. Excess bee stands and other stuff etc. Maybe even use the kids for hauling stuff to the dumpster. Young body labor!