Good Foods for Great Health


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Yes, 100 percent! I agree Koi guy, and there is no such thing as "bad" cholesterol either, another evil lie!!!

People with low levels of cholesterol have a higher rate of death .... as reported in several Harvard studies

People who live to over 100 years of age all have very high levels of good and bad cholesterol!!!

Very little of what you eat affects your cholesterol as cholesterol is made in your liver and produced as needed!
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
koiguy1969 said:
He is right and wrong. Mostly he's right about the pharmaceutical drugs for reducing cholesterol, but only partially right about cholesterol levels not causing heart disease. Thing is he says "does not cause heart disease" instead of "does not increases your risk of heart disease", and he makes no differentiation between HDL and LDL which are both cholesterol levels they check for. "LDL cholesterol can build up on the inside of artery walls, contributing to artery blockages that can lead to heart attacks. Higher LDL cholesterol levels mean higher risk. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is known as "good" cholesterol because it helps prevent arteries from becoming clogged. Higher HDL cholesterol levels generally mean lower risk."
There is no doubt that high LDL levels increase your risk of heart disease above certain levels, but it is not the only a risk factor, there are a lot of other things that can contribute as well. For instance, smoking is at the top of the list, because smoking makes the LDL stickier and causes it to stick to your arteries faster. The higher your levels of LDL the worse it is.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
It's like saying speeding cause you to crash, not true. Speeding only increases the risk that you will crash. Driving on slippery roads, or drinking while you drive will further increase that risk.
I've done all the above at one time or another, but anybody who regularly does all three at the same time will not last long.
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
callingcolleen1 said:
It is now common knowledge that a actual Heart attack is caused by a virus, not cholesterol......
I guess atherosclerosis is a myth as well, and smoking is actually good for you.

I've had almost all my older relatives (Mother, father uncles, aunts, etc...) die at an early age from symptoms related to atherosclerosis (although none died of a heart attack), My (slightly) older brother is a vegetable (from a stroke), my younger brother has already had two stents in his arteries leading to his legs. All of them coincidentally also thought that cholesterol level stuff was a bunch of bunk too.
I know I have a genetic predisposition to problems with high cholesterol levels (LDL) and I know the risks. I've taken an active role in my health and managed to lose 40 pounds with diet and exercise, while at the same time reducing my bad cholesterol levels and increasing my good cholesterol levels and increasing my stamina and overall well being.
For better or worse, I'll stick with my exercise program and avoid the foods and things that are commonly associated with high risks for atherosclerosis and heart disease. If I'm gona believe in any conspiracy theory, it won't be the one about high cholesterol levels not really being bad for you. ;)


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
If you goggle heart attack caused by virus you will learn much. It is now widely accepted as fact in the medical community that 99% of all actual heart attacks are indeed caused by a virus. I used to argue this now proven "FACT" with a good nurse friend of mine, and she too disbelived me until they re-trained all the nurses here in town and she said "Colleen, you were right!"

As far as "Harding of the arterys" it is now believed that sugar is the main culprit, combined with fat, Polyunsaturated fat!
And that is different from an actual "heart attack". I know most of you will find this hard to believe, but so did alot of other people several hundred years ago, when everybody knew the earth was flat and you were laughed at if you said it was really round!

if most people believe something to be true, it usually is not, just a FACT!


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
Harvard medical study has proven that there is no link between high cholesterol and heart attacks. Many people who have heart attacks have normal levels of cholesterol or low levels of cholesterol. This too is a fact and you can google it and learn much new updated information. :)
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
Colleen, you keep bringing this down to "heart attack". Thing is, the term "heart disease" is synonyms with "cardiovascular disease", and there are a number of different types of cardiovascular diseases with various underlying causes and effects. Some are attributed to viruses as you pointed out, some are genetic, but the majority are related to atherosclerosis and/or hypertension, only a few of them are actually directly related or attributed to heart attacks.
My family has a history of atherosclerosis, and as I've said, none have died of a heart attack, but there is a whole host of other symptomatic problems that come from severe atherosclerosis, heart disease and possible heart attack is just one of them, but stroke is at the top of the list, and many more. Basically atherosclerosis just slowly shuts down your ability to pump blood and oxygen around to all the different parts of your body, and causes your heart to work harder while increasing your blood pressure (which has it's own problems). My younger brother lost the circulation in his legs and walking became nearly impossible, until he had a couple stent inserted in his arteries to open them up and let the blood flow adequately into his legs. he didn't have a heart attack, but he does have symptoms of "heart disease", or "cardiovascular disease", in his case the atherosclerosis started effecting his legs first. I could go on with the rest of my family history, each one had different symptoms, but all of them have, or had, atherosclerosis and had health problems because of it. All of them would have likely benefited, as I have, from reducing cholesterol levels though proper exercise and diet, reducing stress levels and alcohol consumption and not smoking.
Just because some heart problems and heart attacks can be attributed to viruses doesn't mean that atherosclerosis isn't a real health problem and should be dismissed, along with all the other things that go along with it.
Of course we are not all the same, I have a friend that has a genetic predisposition just the opposite of mine where he has high levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) and low levels of LDL, and despite the fact that he's way over weight and eats all the "wrong" stuff, he doesn't have a problem with atherosclerosis, but for guys like me, and my family, the correlation between cardiovascular disease and diet and exercise has be very well documented. Ignore it and we die early, just like many of us already have.
Of course this friend of mine has many other health related problems because of his life style, but that's another subject.


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose

Posted on:
Thursday, April 4th 2013 at 5:00 am

Written By:
Sayer Ji, Founder


Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer's -- and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose!
A groundbreaking 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the primary fat type found in coconut oil, almost immediately improved cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders.
The study involved 20 subjects with Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment who, on separate days, were given either emulsified MCTs or a placebo. The researchers observed a significant increase in blood plasma levels of the ketone body beta-hydroxylutyrate (beta-OHB) after only 90 minutes of treatment, and depending on the apolipoprotein E genotype of the subject tested, beta-OHB levels either continued to rise or held constant between the 90 and 120 minute blood draws in the treatment condition. Remarkably, cognitive testing revealed that this brief MCT treatment facilitated improved performance on the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog) in 4 subjects within the study group. Moreover, "higher ketone values were associated with greater improvement in paragraph recall with MCT treatment relative to placebo across all subjects (P=0.02)."
The details of the study procedure was described as follows:
How Medium Chain Triglycerides Work
The study was conducted with a double-blind placebo controlled design with two study visits. During each visit, subjects received one of two isocaloric conditions (690
calories) in a randomized order: emulsified MCTs, or emulsified long chain triglycerides as a placebo. NeoBee 895 (Stepan, Inc.) was used for MCTs. To increase palatability, heavy whipping cream was used as a source of long chain triglycerides and as a source of long chain mono- and di-glycerides for emulsification. MCTs (40
ml) were blended with 152
ml heavy whipping cream to create the emulsified test sample. Heavy whipping cream alone (232
ml) was blended to create the placebo.
Subjects fasted from 8:00 p.m. on the night prior to the study visit. They arrived in the morning and blood was drawn to determine plasma β-OHB levels and APOE genotyping (first visit only). Subjects then consumed the test beverage and rested quietly for 90
min, after which blood was drawn and a 30-min cognitive testing session ensued. After testing, a final blood draw was taken.
How could a single dose of MCTs (40 ml or 2.7 tablespoons) cause an almost immediate improvement in cognitive performance in those suffering from cognitive impairments as serious as Alzheimer's disease? The explanation is found both in the unique metabolic needs of the brain and in the configuration of MCTs themselves. Whereas the primary fuel source for the energy-hungry brain is glucose, when insulin resistance and suboptimal metabolism (hypometabolism) develops in the brain, both the brain's structure and function are compromised. Ketone bodies provide a much needed alternative fuel source to glucose that can recharge metabolic processes within the brain, resulting in an almost immediate improvement in cognitive function.
MCTs are not like most fats we consume. For instance, due to their smaller size they do not form micelles and are not stored in adipose tissue. Whereas up to 97% of the dietary fats we ingest are made up of long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) which have been 14 and 18 carbons,[ii] MCTs have relatively shorter chain lengths of 5 to 12 carbons, making them easier to absorb and utilize. They are preferentially oxidized by the liver, and when provided in large enough quantities, they give rise to ketone bodies.[iii]
What is the best way to take MCTs? As we are advocates of whole food nutrition, coconut oil is our preferred source of these triglycerides, containing approximately 2/3rdsMCTs by volume. Coconut oil also has a broad spectrum of other health benefits, which we highlighted in our previous article "13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil."
Also, instead of treating coconut oil or MCTs as some new nutraceutical "magic bullet," almost as if we are just loading natural bullets into the same old outdated allopathic gun, try incorporating it into your diet in a way that displaces less healthy fats. For instance, replace that rancid, pro-inflammatory 'vegetable oil' (e.g. soy, grape seed, peanut, canola oil) you are using to fry an egg or bake with, with sublimely saturated, rancidity-resistant coconut oil.
Or, enjoy a delicious curry with coconut milk as a base. Because 25% of coconut milk is fat, and about 66% of that fat is MCT, you are still getting a healthy dose. It is always better to eat smaller amounts of truly therapeutic foods, enjoyed in the context of sharing, preparing and enjoying good food, so that you will ideally never have to use the heroic "food as medicine" approach after a serious disease has had the opportunity to set in. Think: use food so that medicine never becomes necessary.
For additional information view the testimonial of Dr. Mary Newport who discovered the benefits of using coconut oil to treat her husband's Alzheimer's Disease.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I eat tons of Coconut oil, a big tablespoon in my coffee ever time! I have been eating Coconut oil for over six years now and it is the best food for the brain, heart, liver, and whole body!

Mucky waters I am sorry to hear you may suffer from atherosclerosis, and am well aware of this disease, and you would do well from the use of coconut oil. My sister has been in the coconut business for many years and has helped people recover with that disease simply from the use of large amounts of coconut oil. You would also do well to use very very large doses of vitamin C, combined with Lysine as Dr. Gifford Jones talked much about how to combat heart and cardiovascular problems. You cannot overdose on vitamin C so not to worry. I might suggest you read Dr. Gifford Jones newspaper column as he writes every Monday and is it published throughout North America. You can also goggle his name and subcribe to his column for free.

I have been talking about an actual heart attack and not strokes, atherosclerosis, heart defects and other heart related diseases. Many things can lead to heart trouble. Your teeth can kill your heart if they are not in good shape, as the bacteria can go to the heart. Diabetes can lead to enlarged heart and heart failure. All of these things are different from an actual heart attack. Swedish scientist First proved that an actual heart attack is caused by a virus in almost all cases. You would be shocked to discover which virus is responsible, but I will not tell you, you need to search and discover the truth for yourself in order to believe. This information was first brought to my attention six or seven years ago when I first heard the discovery on CNN. Many doctors and reputable heart surgeons are now coming forward and telling it like it really is, and how statin drugs do not help, and how saturated fat is NOT responsible. The trouble is many doctors still like to get the rewards of handing out pharmaceutical statin drugs when they know it does nothing to help, but in fact can kill you.

Today's quiz ..... which vital organ in your body requires 25 percent of your daily intake of calories? Think hard ......


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b

THE BRAIN USES AN AVERAGE OF 45 CALORIES AN HOUR. but its the only "organ" that can not burn energy (calories) from fat. but, it CAN AND WILL draw from muscle tissue when needed.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
I just heard that a small group of women from Calgary Alberta Are choosing to eat their "after-birth" after they given birth!

I know the animals do this and we apparently did this hundreds of years ago cause it is supposed to be good for the mother and baby's ammune system.... I don't think I could ever do it, but their are people out there doing this cause I heard it this evening on the radio?

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