George Zimmerman Trial

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19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Jul 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
Dead is happy?

pecan said:
That's one thing I love about living here. We can shoot people like that and not go to jail :) like Zimmerman.

There was a local story here about a year ago where a guy who was just released from jail walked into a grocery store, bought a steak knife, walked out into the parking lot and started stabbing people. Luckily there was a guy in the parking lot who had his concealed carry weapon. He pulled his gun, and held the guy at gun point till the cops arrived. He was deemed a hero and well deserved.

Another guy I know personally started dating a girl who had an ex who was stalking her. About 6 months ago he was at her house when someone started pounding on the door. She said it was her ex and she would not let him in. The ex started busting the door in. My friend pulled his concealed carry weapon and stood in the house with the woman directly behind him. When the door broke down and the bad guy entered my friend yelled "stop" when the bad guy did not stop my friend put 3 .45 acp rounds in his chest. BTW, the bad guy was unarmed.

The police interviewed my friend, witnesses and the girl and told my friend he did the right thing.

I just love happy endings.


19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Jul 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
Just don't get into any drunked domestic disputes at the house with 2 loaded guns at the ready.

pecan said:
BTW, my husband and I joke that if anyone ever broke in here it would be a competition between he and I on who shot the bad guy first LOL

We were in bed one night just falling asleep when we heard our back door "beep" as if someone had just opened it. Without saying a word to each we both grabbed our .45's, immediately got out of bed, he went left and I went right, we met at the back door after clearing the house and noted there was no one there. When we both got to the back door we looked at each other and laughed. It was as if the entire thing had been choreographed. LOL

My sister in law used to be anti-gun, until one time she, my brother and their young daughters were down on our remote property. My brother went for a hike when my sister in law heard voices (not common out there) and was very concerned about her and the girls safety. She told me she thought about what she would do to protect herself and her daughters and came up with nothing. After my brother returned she asked him to teach her how to shoot and to get her a gun. Ever since then she has carried a 9 mm on her side.

Life is easier when you know you have the ability to protect yourself.


19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Jul 27, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
There was a murder case where the wife got off, very similar to yours.

Couple going through a divorce and living apart. THe day before signing the final papers the wife called him and on purpose told him things that really pissed him off. He came over pissed and she hid in the basement. HE entered and she shot him point blank in the chest.

Police believe it was a set up and she lured him over and then claimed self defense as she didn't know who was coming into the house. She is free now.
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
waynefrcan said:
Just don't get into any drunked domestic disputes at the house with 2 loaded guns at the ready.
After 7 years and no domestic disputes, I'd say we are ok.

BTW, if you have been charged with a domestic dispute in the US you cannot pass a background check for a gun.
Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
You know, I didn't believe in guns, before I met my husband now. But our ten years of marriage and 6 kids ( not all mine BTW lol), 4 of which are avid hunters. All but one; my 13 yr old girl owns ther own gun or multiple guns ( rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, etc..). Kids who are taught, the correct safety to handle guns, are taught to hunt, know what it's like to take a life; have a respect for wildlife, life in general and how permenant dead is. And in MHO, would be less likely to make stupid mistake, if introduced guns at an early age; now I'm not talking baby here, but my 6 almost 7 yr old went deer hunting for the first time this year and got his first be bee gun for Christmas this last year. When our kids are young and they take a life, weather it's a deer, squirrel, rabbit or whatever, they take part in every aspect of the kill; if they shoot it, they take part in cleaning it. It's all about responsibility and teaching safety that keeps guns in the right hands and kids out of trouble.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
waynefrcan said:
There was a murder case where the wife got off, very similar to yours.

Couple going through a divorce and living apart. THe day before signing the final papers the wife called him and on purpose told him things that really pissed him off. He came over pissed and she hid in the basement. HE entered and she shot him point blank in the chest.

Police believe it was a set up and she lured him over and then claimed self defense as she didn't know who was coming into the house. She is free now.

If that is true how it went down, then that is a classic home invasion case since the husband obviously was not invited and illegaly trespassed into the house. If he was invited, then it would be quite obvious from the phone call. The husband should have used more common sense, irregardless of how he was allowing his emotions to control him. Folk should be held responsible for their emotional overreacting aggressive actions whether drunked, drugged, or not, especially when the defender is a concealed carrier.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
waynefrcan said:
Just don't get into any drunked domestic disputes at the house with 2 loaded guns at the ready.
Same scenario can be played out with knives as well or crossbows or nail gun or a hammer or a frying pan or a glass bottle.

Since folk do not care how nor why the death is inflicted or it only matters how easy it is for kids to hurt themself, then, by using that logic, we should make all items that can be used as weapons that can easily inflict a death. The problem with this logic is that it is rationalized with emotion. Obviously, when restrictive bans are placed on these items used for weapons, then there will be a reduction of deaths caused by these items, that is until a criminal goes on a shopping spree in the blackmarket.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
pecan said:
After 7 years and no domestic disputes, I'd say we are ok.

BTW, if you have been charged with a domestic dispute in the US you cannot pass a background check for a gun.
I thought the wording was CONVICTED of a domestic? Could be wrong, but anyone can be charged with anything.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
waynefrcan said:
God the gall of that Martin family, got over a $1 mil settlement and they want to put an innocent guy in jail as icing on the cake!!!!

My sympathy factor for them is at a .5 now. And they want more?

Charles, would they pay taxes on a settlement case? Counted as income?

Honestly, I don't know for settlement case rewards are counted as taxable income. I would hope so.

Yeah, the Martin family is out for blood just because their kid died, regardless if the kid caused it as the court case proved. I understand the mother acting like this, but not the father and rest of the family. Since the father and mother are seperated, then I bet the mother has full custody of her kid and the one who determines what to do. Mother is only out for blood. She does not care about justice.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Fishylove said:
You know, I didn't believe in guns, before I met my husband now. But our ten years of marriage and 6 kids ( not all mine BTW lol), 4 of which are avid hunters. All but one; my 13 yr old girl owns ther own gun or multiple guns ( rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, etc..). Kids who are taught, the correct safety to handle guns, are taught to hunt, know what it's like to take a life; have a respect for wildlife, life in general and how permenant dead is. And in MHO, would be less likely to make stupid mistake, if introduced guns at an early age; now I'm not talking baby here, but my 6 almost 7 yr old went deer hunting for the first time this year and got his first be bee gun for Christmas this last year. When our kids are young and they take a life, weather it's a deer, squirrel, rabbit or whatever, they take part in every aspect of the kill; if they shoot it, they take part in cleaning it. It's all about responsibility and teaching safety that keeps guns in the right hands and kids out of trouble.
My son was just saying last night that he saw something on tv with young children in a classroom ... it was about what children would do if they found a gun ... the children who were not familar with guns PLAYED with it, and DISCHARGED it (obviously not live rounds) ... the children exposed to guns DID NOT TOUCH IT and REPORTED IT,
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
crsublette said:
Honestly, I don't know for settlement case rewards are counted as taxable income. I would hope so.
For personal reasons, I have been wondering the same thing. On the one hand, I would hope so, as we get screwed for every dollar we receive it seems, the IRS wants their cut. On the other hand, we are sueing an insurance company for medical bills, as they well exceed the $8000 PIP mandated coverage on auto policies in our state.

crsublette said:
Yeah, the Martin family is out for blood just because their kid died, regardless if the kid caused it as the court case proved. I understand the mother acting like this, but not the father and rest of the family. Since the father and mother are seperated, then I bet the mother has full custody of her kid and the one who determines what to do. Mother is only out for blood. She does not care about justice.
I can understand where this mother would be coming from, but she needs to face facts that her son wasnt totally innocent in his choices. I am very sorry for HER loss, but the facts are the facts.

I am curious as the the family's financial background here. Specificially, if lower to middle income, wondering if they are only trying to capitalize on the tragedy for financial gain. Insurance companies do risk calcukations, and find a fast settlement may be the cheapest way out in the long run. I know a very twisted individual locally who was in a MINOR fender bender, with outragous claims. She is simply trying to set the stage for a lawsuit.
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
High Desert Zone 7a
capewind said:
I thought the wording was CONVICTED of a domestic? Could be wrong, but anyone can be charged with anything.
You are correct that is what the 4473 reads. However, if there is a pending charge you will be denied until it has been resolved without a conviction.

One of our best friends owns a gun shop and my husband has been working in one processing 4473's and background checks since he retired from the USMC.
Feb 22, 2013
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Ontario Canada
Hardiness Zone
Talking about money gained, the Shellie Zimmerman case is still expected to go ahead on August 21, 2013 correct ?


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Yep, that's what I have heard, but it was not about money gained.

It was about setting the bail price for Zimmerman and the prosecution said the Zim family was worth X money and George's wife, Shellied, denied the prosecutions claim although there was a significant amount of money in the bank. This denial by the wife is bring perjury charges on her. There is quite likely going to be a debate about whether this money in the bank was reserved as a retainer to pay for the lawyers, including moneys earned from charity, or if it was moneys that actually reflected their standard of living or income.

Ultimately, the truth came out either way from the prosecution revealing unsealed bank records and the Judge viewed all accumulation of moneys as an image of their total wealth rather than any consideration into why nor how the wealth was created, which is what created the confusion to Shellie to answer the way she did. In the end, it did not matter. Zim was instantly thrown back in jail, all bond potential revoked, and he stayed there or on house arrest ever since until just yesterday.
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