19 years ponding and hopefully 4 more!
Dead is happy?
pecan said:That's one thing I love about living here. We can shoot people like that and not go to jaillike Zimmerman.
There was a local story here about a year ago where a guy who was just released from jail walked into a grocery store, bought a steak knife, walked out into the parking lot and started stabbing people. Luckily there was a guy in the parking lot who had his concealed carry weapon. He pulled his gun, and held the guy at gun point till the cops arrived. He was deemed a hero and well deserved.
Another guy I know personally started dating a girl who had an ex who was stalking her. About 6 months ago he was at her house when someone started pounding on the door. She said it was her ex and she would not let him in. The ex started busting the door in. My friend pulled his concealed carry weapon and stood in the house with the woman directly behind him. When the door broke down and the bad guy entered my friend yelled "stop" when the bad guy did not stop my friend put 3 .45 acp rounds in his chest. BTW, the bad guy was unarmed.
The police interviewed my friend, witnesses and the girl and told my friend he did the right thing.
I just love happy endings.