crsublette said:
Yep, I understand it is what you are attempting to portray by suggesting all gun related deaths are equal, regardless of the how nor why, which I find to be quite absurd just as much as suggesting other folk want "innocent ghetto children taking bullets", all in the attempt to make it tougher for law abiding citizens to defend them self against the gangs and criminals out here.
These reasons, also including our porous borders, is why extensive gun restrictions will never work here. Sure, these restrictions will remove the firearms from law abiding citizens or make it very difficult for them to protect themself, and this would reduce the deaths that result from folk being careless with firearms, but it definitely will not remove the firearms from the gangs and criminals since they are allowed to have too many other avenues to obtain their firearms that is unique here in America.
The problem is NOTHING is done about existing laws. In a nut shell, a tragedy happens, and then there is a public out rage (such as this case), but nothing was done to PREVENT it. Our gov't doesnt WANT to fix the problems either. While I do NOT believe this case was about race, our President and media have done as much as they could to try to make it so.
The following image really is on target with the gun ownership debates. We all see car related "accidents" on a regular basis, but where is the public out rage of how danagerous cars are?
Within 3-20 minutes of my house .... Car "accidents' are a daily occurance here (our roads are not designed for the tourist load we receive), but these are the most recent that affect us personally or others we know ...
Two days ago, while fleeing from the police, crossing town lines, a tourist struck a 62 year old man who was simply walking down the road, and then a car operated by a young mother with children in the car, causing injuries, Where is the public out rage?
Last week an innocent man died who I knew from my childhood ... What did he do? He was driving down the road on July 4th, when another truck grazed his truck head on, sent him into on coming traffic, where he killed the driver of that rental car, and injurying six others in his van, and FLED THE SCENE. Police are still looking for this person.
3 months ago, my daughter was driving her car across a quiet intersection, where she had the right of way, when she was Tboned by a drunk driver, who stopped long enough to see that she was hurt, say "oh shit" and fled the scene (arrested in the next town a short time later) ...
While our population has MORE black and hispanic folks, with a very high percentile of low income (the majority survive on minimum wage, and seasonal jobs, we have very few year round jobs, and little that pays over $10 hr), our papers show more cases of home invasions and car thefts by WHITE men, in their 20s-40s ... We also have a "regular occurance" of armed robberies, and armed home invasions by people of all ethnic backgrounds.
MY POINT is adding stronger gun laws change NOTHING, Anything can be used as a weapon to cause death or injury. I believe it was earlier in this conversation, something was said about lack of guns in the UK resulted in lower crime in that regard, but was only replaced by knives? Speaking of knives, many people use them to commit suicide, so do we ban them too? Yes, it was a reach to make a suide comment, but is it really that much of a reach???
Again, anything can be used as a weapon. Maybe it is because I am a woman? a mom? dont weigh much? who knows, but I am VERY in tune to my surroundings AT ALL TIMES. I am far from "paranoid" but being AWARE is the first step towards self defense. I can look around every room in my home, garage and yard, and identify nontraditional items that could be used as a weapon. Now, if I am only looking for items to defend myself with, what items could someone else target to use as a weapon to cause HARM? Should we all start making lists of items that should become illegal, since there is the potential to use them ILLEGALLY???
The root case of the problem is what needs to be addressed. It isnt the inanimate objects.