That's a really neat log, JB. I like the way it's warped in a curve.
My frogs are multiplying, seems there are at least 10 on each pond, almost all of them small, probably all bullfrogs. A few are bigger, but they are all fun. Some are less "fraidy cats" than others. I talk to them when I walk up to feed the fish. Some jump some don't. If I find small grasshoppers or a caterpillar eating my flowers, I'll toss it into the pond. I know that's mean, but the frogs need to eat, too! Some of the little guys will actually turn around if I walk onto the deck, watching me to see if I'm going to toss a treat. How fun is that?! :blueflower: Oh, and sometimes the grasshoppers get away, so it's fair. I don't pull any legs off or anything like that, I just toss them in and let them fend for themselves.