coyotes call me Charles
You sure that's right Colleeen?? I thought it was due to the top of the water reach maximum enthalpy and this is why the water on top freezes.
Just so some people don't get confused, hot air will raise, and cool air will sink.... in water, warm water will sink and very cold water will raise, that is why ice forms at the top of water first and not the botton.
Still, I do run into long time pond people here in Medicine Hat, that have killed lots of there fish. Wintering fish here in Alberta can be very tough, and you have to pay close attention when extreme cold tempertures of minus 30c -50c. I don't remember it getting any colder than minus 48c and that was without the windchill.
People make mistakes, they fail for several reasons in wintering pond. Common problems, after several years the Koi outgrow the pond and that can make wintering problematic. Then during extreme cold, the pond loses water fast, ice displacement, and major evaperation, when temperatures very cold, and water is heated, it is like a pot of boiling water on the stove, that is why I like to have good ice coverage backed up by piles of snow on top of ice.
Then when I set my pond up 21 years ago, there was not much information out there, just some pamplets and simple pumps and filters, nothing to complex. I had to look to nature, and the Seven Persons Creek located close to home. That creek supports lots of natural life, all winter, and under the ice the water would still flow. So I built my ponds to flow, from pool to pool, with "gates" to keep certain fish (koi and larger goldfish) in the top ponds, while allowing babies to flow threw to the bottom pond. If the heater is not plugged in, small air holes will still be found where the water flows (water ways), to about minus 25c, after that you really need a heater. I usually plug the heater in if it is going to be below minus 10c for a long period of time. It is is only going to -10c overnight, or for short periods, I don't bother as I think it is not necessary.
The creek served as my guide, and from that I also noticed how well the creeks sedges would "spring back to life", without anybody hacking it back. I think if you cut the sedges too early, in the fall, it drains the plant roots as the left over energy needs to go back to the root and slowly die back. If you look in the picture below from yesterday, my Yellow flag is still green, and I will not cut back the stalks at all, ever, they fall away very nice in the spring, when ready.
Also, you need not clean the pond "to death" or you may just end up doing just that! The pond sludge is a vital part of the pond, lots of different types of pond life live within that sludge, and the bacteria from the sludge will ALSO keep the bottom warmer!!! Bet you did not know that!!! You... you CLEAN FrEaKs!!! Ha ha ha
Ok. Fine. According to your standard and Colleen's success, we should ALL feed our fish puppy chow and lets dump sludge into our ponds to kickstart our ponds and do exactly what she does since she is very successful. Aaahh, but if I do not just flat out accept Colleens methods, then I am the one being very close minded. There is actually a reason why stuff happens. I bet Colleen can't even start to explain why everything works the way it does and why her pond does not become extremely overloaded with organics causing all sorts of problems; it simply just must be her plants and bugs and puppy chow that prevents all problems from occuring and keeps everything absolutely perfect. Think about it. There's actually more to it.WE get it, you know lots about ponding, but even you can learn new ideas and methods & have an open mind to others SUCCESSFUL ponding ways. And "I'm just saying what others are thinking" talk does not always go over well.
Wayne, I am not for sure if you are trying to help the reader or just flat out making a point of defending Colleen. In no way have I "put it down", even though I am being quite pointed toward her pond techniques in this post; however, this in contrast to you trying to smack me down due to your perceived offense. It appears I am not the one that is so closed minded since you are making out what I say to be so terrible. I am just adding perspective using actual information. Unfortunate you find other people having a different perspective so terrible.WEll Charles if her system is not different then why do you put it down on various topics every chance you get? I'm talking her overall techniques & methods.
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