I'm not sure how much they will shrink. I used all AC2 treated lumber, so time will tell. Spacing is only a 1/4 inch at most I believe, but don't have any dogs due to the fact that I have 3 cats. But if it ever did shrink that much I used Deck screws that were coated so they shouldn't rust and I should be able to move most if I had too, but would prefer not too.

PS...first I need the millions to hide! lol too bad I don't play the lottery
Thanks JW, I think my wife referred to it as a UFO landing pad, lol. Glad I added the solar lights though since I get lights all the time, but I plan on taking the tops off the stakes and storing them inside for winter so they will last. The stakes are plastic and should be fine through the snow and fun of winter, and if not, they were cheap. Yeah the fish were great! The Shubies were only $2.50 apiece and the goldies were all the large feeders so only $0.26 so not bad at all especially since they all had nice coloring on them. Will just have to make sure I don't overfeed them next spring when they get big enough to need it.
If I had thought of that earlier, I totally would have done that, but the pipe is attached to my liner now. Of course that doesn't mean I wouldn't get the idea to cut the pipe just past the liner and put my drain cover back in there and make a 1' long dry overflow stream bed.

Will save that project for spring, but thanks for the great idea!
Thanks addy!