The temps haven't been bad here. The stream was more an economical one. I have budget billing for my utilities (for convenience, I don't have AC for the summers, so instead of having huge winter bills and tiny summer ones, I pay the same every month while the utility keeps track and adjusts the plan for the following year). I am coming up on a renew of the plan and didn't want them to adjust it to high based on my usage increasing the last 2 months due to the pond. I figure it will run 6 months out of the year, but didn't want my new budget to reflect as if it ran 12. My fish are small enough yet the O2 in the water shouldn't be an issue, plus my pump running my filter turns over the whole volume of the pond once an hour. That pump I still have running and I set up my winter pump now while it's warm so I don't freeze my a$$ off later.

Plus to add a little oxygen in the mean time. That's also why I have the air pump running now too. I do plan to run the filter pump until the water temp hits between 32-40 degrees and the outside temps get low enough that I might worry about the water freezing in the lines or the filter (people say running water doesn't freeze, only kinda true, our waterfalls around here freeze almost solid, really cool in winter, some people even go ice climbing on them). As for the time of year it gets really cold all depends. I used to play football on thanksgiving annually with friends (until we all got to old and all didn't come home for the holiday) and some years it would be in the 20's -30's and others in the single digits to the teens (sucked one year when the ground was frozen, was like playing on concrete).
Good to know, it sounds like the mix I get here from Fleet Farm (midwest hardware store), but I just need a platform and for some Cardinals to find it. Next to Bluejays I think Cardinals are a close second favorite of mine, although I have always been partial to hawks when I see them flying around or sitting on the side of the highway looking for prey.
Thank you! In the pics it was only 1 shubie, and the rest were goldies! Got lucky on the colors I could get the employees to chase down and net for me. I do have about 5 shubie's in the pond now though. Hoping they will end up looking like mini koi. And yes my daughter is an equal blend of sweetness and mischief. She is a daddy's girl and somewhat of a Tomboy to boot, and she has played in the pond since I began it (although now, just on the deck around it, never alone of course

). I also turned her into a little rock hound. I got a lot of the rocks from a house being built near by and she would actually ask to go pick rocks, always wants to help me now when I work outside. Also part of the Tomboyishness has come from me taking her hiking on trails around here. I got a kid carrying hiking back pack and she loves it.
Her name is Jovi, Jovi and daddy hiking. Although this pic is about 8 months old since she still has a nuk in her mouth.
I have to admit on a certain level a fish trying to eat a bird is kind of cool, given that most of the time its the other way around. It could also just be the bird molting, I find feathers from the Mourning Doves in the water all the time, but I know there aren't any predators around to get them, unless of course you are finding several.
As for predators, I haven't seen any herons around, but I know they are in the area as I have seen them in natural ponds around here. But I did realize that we have raccoons closer than I thought in the neighborhood. I was on my way home tonight from work and saw one run across the road about a mile from my house, so I will have to be on the lookout for tracks or some other sign of them.