Sissy and Addy,
Thanks! That is what I picked up (still need an extender pole) and just wanted some confirmation. Wish i would have found it clearanced that much! But got one for $9 clearance at Menards. Walmart here doesn't seem to want to clearance all of the summer products they have left.
Those look like good options that I think I will install next year behind the ball valve I have in place. Can you glue the sump check valves to PVC? If not then I will have to go with the PVC compression check version. Are you using any of these in your pond? Do you know of anyone emptying the lines they run on for winter and then having problems after a winter freeze? Thanks for the info! Was looking into a timer that would fit in an electrical outlet and found one at lowes online so I might look for something similar in the stores here and add it next year with a new outlet connected to it. Then I could plug the pump into that and have it set to run just during the day.
Yeah she's turning out that way. About 2 years ago I found the back pack by sheer luck at a yard sale for $10 and it was hardly used. Best $ I ever spent. The areas kind of give me ideas to attempt to mimic in my yard to bring some of the nature I find around my home back to it.

These are pictures of the same area we were in that day. Gave me the idea for the stepped part in my stream.
Here's some better pics of the area where I took the picture of us (using the timer on the camera of course). I'll preface these by saying that any time I do anything like this I take my time and only do if I've done it before by myself and know the area. Also she is strapped into the back pack with a 5 point harness similar to child car seats, and if I know I'm doing anything like this I make sure she is strapped in tight. The backpack has all the straps to connect to me like a hiking back pack so it becomes almost like a part of me.
This is the bottom area of the stream where we were hiking.

This is a natural fissure that goes up the side of the cliff (probably 40-50' high).
This is from the bottom looking up through the fissure. It is about a 45-60 degree angle going up with lots of foot/hand holds.
Here's a pic from the top looking down. You can see the area where I took the picture in the back ground. Its a cool outcropping. Just past this point the cliff turns more into a steep hillside. There is a trail going back from where I took the picture, but its too slanted/dangerous to take her on that. Instead I climb up the 10' wall behind me. It's loaded with more hand holds than a rock climbing wall.
Here is the way we go out. She loves it. It is funny because if we are going down a trail and I am going slower to avoid falling she says "Be careful daddy!" And of course I always have my trusty hiking stick! Its light, sturdy, and can support our weight when I lean on it.