Thanks J.W. and Addy. The falls I added for the filter and because I didn't really have one in the stream. Got the idea for the second one while on vacation, saw a falls like it by a restaurant and liked it.
The solar lights I added so it would be lit all the time, there are 30 of them (will try to get a picture sometime) and 2 spot lights. The solar lights aren't too bad, they do give off the soft white light like you usually see, but the spotlights don't do much, but that could be because I have them pointed at the two tall white pines. Although actually I think you might be looking at the Tiki torches I have which burn citronella oil. I do have solar lights but haven't posted those pics yet (I have 20 more to post and chose to split it up to avoid a really long post). The Tiki torches in the night pics add a nice warm light to it at night and really light it up well (tribal council is what my wife called it), there are 11 of them now, and then 3 candles on the deck. The weed fabric I put down where the path was so that I wouldn't have to worry about weeds in the path, but I didn't put it everywhere because even though they say water will drain through it, it can, but it doesn't do it very well, so then you have to worry about your plants,shrubs, trees, etc getting enough water. The only place I left it was on the mound for the filter waterfall return to help with erosion, but I cut out a 1' square around all the shrubs planted there so they would get enough water. As for the rest I have 2" of mulch so it should inhibit some weeds, but I will just have to be diligent in my weeding (plus I've noticed weeds will still root in mulch anyway). I probably could have placed it all over and cut out squares around plants, but didn't want the hastle of cutting new holes every time I wanted to add something or having to worry about the plants not getting enough water.

Here are 2 more night pics from the deck after I first put the torches in.

Here are more progress pictures of everything.
Here is the finished pond.
Here are some water lilies that I picked up on sale and put in the bottom of the pond.
Here is the finished deck area.

More finished pond pics.
Will have more pictures coming up that show things in greater detail and the chairs I added to the deck.