So I did have a little bit of time today to work on the pond. First I got out my filter and hooked that up and the 1500 gph Algreen Max Flo 5000 pump that I left on the bottom of the pond over the winter (also the same one that had the cord chewed completely through by I believe a rabbit) started right up just fine. So it is good to have the sound of substantial water (more than the trickle my 450 gph gave it) flowing over the waterfall again. I also began doing more trying to waterproof the stream.
First off I found this larvae right in front of the 2nd waterfall:

Anyone know what kind it is? I was guessing some kind of dragon fly (hopefully), either way was cool looking.
So I decided to first add some roofing glue around the seams of the waterfall foam before I tried the spray on rubber because I didn't know how the rubber would react. I am leaving the first waterfall alone, and the other two that I would like to waterproof as much as possible (besides the dam) is the 2nd and 3rd one. So I used the roofing glue on all the seams on these two.
Here is the 2nd waterfall,first before glue and then after:

And here is the 3rd waterfall with the glue:

And here is the 3rd with the spray on rubber, this took 1 whole can and just part of another (the glue I used 3 tubes of on the two waterfalls):

I must say it seemed to work well. I tried to spray on any areas that I thought would need sealing and cover them thoroughly layering it on. It comes out like spray paint, but then you can see it gel and collect on itself as you spray more. The can says more than one coat may be necessary, so my first coat was kind of heavy and I will give it a light coat tomorrow. It seems like it could work. I think tomorrow with the 3rd waterfall I will add a 1st coat to cover everything, wait the recommend 20 minutes (probably closer to an hour) and then add a 2nd coat and try to make both coats even this time (instead of a heavy 1st coat followed by a lighter 2nd coat as I will do with the 2nd waterfall). After using it I might have been able to avoid covering the seams with the roofing glue, but glad for the overkill. The spray seems like it would do what spreading around the roofing glue by hand would, plus not sure how good I would have been at that. So tomorrow I will also have to go to Menard's to get a couple tubes (plus some extra cus its on sale too) of the roofing glue to cover the seams in the dam (I want to add it on the bottom rocks for more overkill and anywhere else I might want some extra seeling power) and will probably get some more Mighty Sealer while it is on sale with the awesom rebate since I am making the trip. Then I will test out the 2nd waterfall between Saturday and Monday (before I do the dam) when I have time to see if the Mighty Sealer worked (if it didn't will return the extra cans, if it does will probably hold onto them since the eventual price of $2.99 is hard to pass up on).
I also added the new stream outlet that has the sump pump hose one way valves on it. So now I can turn the stream on when I want or after I get a timer, but I think I will wait until I get my electrician out to add some outlets by the pond so I can add lights later this summer.
I also had one idea if I fail to seal the upper pool, I will get a 2 outlet timer instead of the single outlet. That way I can hook the stream pump to it and also the gorge water feature pump. That way the upper pool will be all the way full when the gorge feature runs so the pump will reside in more 14" or so of water (level above the rocks in is current state) while it runs.
Also while I was working on the pond, my wife gave my daughter a snack of green peppers. She was riding her tricycle in the garage at the time so when I went in there, this is what I saw:

Was too cute not to share, she put them on the back all by herself.