We moved around 600 lbs of honey today
A perfect frame of honey! Two of our hives each gave us 4 supers with 10 frames per super of perfectly drawn out honey
A full box of fully drawn and capped honey frames, around 60 lbs.
Now extraction starts................ for days and days
We pull the frames, put them into coolers, brushing any clinging bees off, then put the frames back in boxes for extraction.
Each cooler is around 100 plus lbs depends on how many frames it holds. I wait until evening to move the frames by then the bees in the boxes are drunk on the honey and calm. Open the coolers and they fly home.
The load in the basement need to bring them upstairs.
The tubs are non filled honey frames, the packages (new bees this year) some did great some did nothing. They go right into the freezer, then put back into boxes and saved until next year. Freezing kills the wax moths, hive beetle eggs.
Any partial filled frames end up on the table waiting to dehydrate enough to extract. The moisture content needs to be around 17%