Been fighting a leak, last few days. So today, cool enough to be out there spent around 3 hours pulling plants (3+ wheel barrels full) looking for plant diversion of water. I never think it is the liner.
1) found a rock that had been moved by a critter, it knocked another rock away, pushed the liner that goes from one small loop pond to the lotus tub. Pushed the edge down where there was a constant drip of water flowing out. Unreal how much you can lose that way.
2) found with the third loop pond the plants had grown so well (could not see the water) the root masses were beautiful filtering roots, which also collect dirt. Long and short those beautiful roots collected dirt built up enough the water was dripping over a edge. I pulled plants and pulled up the excess liner to get rid of that drip. Now the edge is higher and the water path , at this moment, is open.
3) Pulled plants from the bog, lots of plants, opened up the water flow again (#7 pull this year)
4) Walked the stream pulling excess plant growth mainly creeping jenny and some horrible saw grass no clue where that stuff came from.
Now piles of pulled plants to haul down to the woods to rot away, eventually. The test will be if the water level remains over night.