I believe it is because everyone here is so enthusiastic about their ponds that it makes my overindulgence and passion and obsession seem normal. We evidentally all have the same love for the outdoors and water and fish and nature in general.
Hippy Gordy
Totally agree with you, Gordy! That's why I love this forum and the people on it. Well said,
Very strange weather going on outside here tonight. At 1 the snow started, VERY light, very small particles. By 4, in Effingham where I work, maybe 1.5". By 4:45 when I left the office, it was 3-4" already, and coming down in much larger flakes. The interstate (I have 12 miles of it or 2-lane highway to take) was completely snow packed. I went 40 (speed limit is 70 now) and only got passed by one semi. Had to stop at the end of the exit ramp to clean my wipers (no one coming) then headed south. This storm was to be worse north of Interstate 70 (that's the interstate I drive on) and less south of it. It's freaky, but the storms do that! First 2-3 miles on the blacktop which is a 2 lane highway, was so covered with snow, it was really hard to see where the flipping road was! Then, poof ... no snow on the road! How did that happen??? Little farther, snow covering road for maybe 1/10 mile, then clear again, back and forth. Got home, walk from barn to the house it was like ice was hitting my hood of my coat. Very windy, and winds so far coming out of the ENE, which figures, since bad stuff comes from the E where I live. Going to change to NW winds by morning. Supposed to get 3-6" by morning, and then drifting. My country roads were pretty clear, except a few places where the trees were up by the road, and the snow gathered in drifts. Should be an interesting drive come morning.
I feel really bad for those south of me and SE of me ... the freezing rain band was WIDE, and that's far worse than 6" of snow IMO. Hope everyone stays safe as this storm passes to the east.