What is your weather like ... today

Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Still praying for you and your hubby, Sissy, and hoping good things come to him in the next few days. Very concerned about him, as I know you are as well, and I agree, he is VERY lucky to have you there taking care of him. Worried as well about Colleen, and the strike count down. I've never had to walk a picket line, don't even want to. I'm union as well, work for the State, and hope we can always agree. I am shocked we even got a contract the last time. Next time ... .may not! We shall see
JW, how big is the tree that you are or will move? I have an oak that is right next to the goldfish pond bog, seriously thinking of moving this fall, if we ever get enough rain to loosen the dirt. It's about 3' from the outer edge of the bog, so about 4' from the actual liner. The liner goes down 10-12" in the ground (above ground 8"). I know oaks have tap roots, and was told I would have to go down at least 3', but 4' would be better. I have my tractor to help lift it and move it. It's got a trunk about .... went out and measured, it's 5" in diameter! The tree is about 10' tall, but not really wide, maybe 4' in all directions. So, if the roots are as wide as the top, I should be ok. Will have to shut off the bog, in case the back wall caves backwards, but can brace it while I'm digging. I just think I should not have put the pond so close, and it will eventually grow really large, and have too many leaves directly over the bog. So, this month, hopefully (rain permitting ....) I will attempt to dig it up. Anyone think it is impossible to do? After all, I'll be doing it with a shovel, but my tractor with loader will do all the heavy work of pulling it out and repositioning it in new hole, which will be dug and ready for it. Ideas???


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
I have 4 cold hardy bananas I hope to plant by my pond but they have shallow roots and plan on them being at least 4 ft away as they get lots of babies I may have to pull up and plant some where else ,plus they die back in the winter like elephant ears and cannas .Plus I have the lemon verbenas to plant and that storm they are saying is going to get here by monday .So as long as it is on track and not to strong the rain will help in the digging .Usually the roots are as big as the branches are out .They say measure the biggest part of the tree top around not high and that's how big the roots spread out .You can root trim trees ,my dad used to do lots of that .But he had the tools also .It never goes by the trunk size .Willows and river birches and trees that like water are worse .


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Lovely bright glorious sunshine waiting for me out there! More digging to do today on another tree hole for the 2nd tree. The 1st tree is about 15 ft tall and trunk is about 4 or 5". Bushiest part of tree width is about 4ft in diameter. Some kind of conifer. Going to dig it out by hand but neighbor guy w/ tractor bucket will carry it over to hole for us. We will wrap the root ball w/ a tarp to try to keep it together as much as possible. I'll take pix of the project and post. The 2nd tree is only about 5ft tall and is about 4ft wide. Think it is a dwarf conifer of some type. Remind me to never believe that when someone gives you a tree do not believe it is a dwarf unless you have paperwork,dna,family history, photo's of the parents etc. to back it up :chair:
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
This tree is really the ONLY tree on my property that I think is worthy keeping. Well, the "Mighty Elms" are really tall and pretty healthy, the tree guy pruned all the dead stuff out of them when he cut down the half dead and dying soft maples. But, not sure if the oak came up volunteer, or if the previous owner planted it. It's grown a bunch since I moved here, I do know that, so it's really taking off now, and if I don't move it this fall, it will never be moved, as it will be too big. It's no more than probably 6' in diameter at the widest part on the top. It's mostly tall, not that wide. I'll try to take some pics of it tomorrow ... if I remember ... and give you an idea of where it is in relation to the goldfish bog and pond. I think it's doable, and you know me ... I just jump right in there and do it! I figure it will take me all day to gently dig it up, remove as much dirt from around the roots as possible, and then use the loader to get under it and pick it up. Hardest part is figure out if it's going to pull the bog wall down with it. That could easily be repaired, though. Just have to shut off the water flow, and be ready to add fresh water as will lose a lot of water if the wall collapses. I think I have 2 or 3 landscape stones high on that outer edge of the bog, so maybe 8" of water could likely escape. I should be able to brace it with "T" posts, though, I think. It will be a project for another day, AFTER I get enough rain to loosen up the soil at the base of this tree. Otherwise, if I don't get a good rain tomorrow, I'll probably just run the hose on trickle and soak it that way all night long. We shall see ....
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
It was warm and muggy all day yesterday, and while driving home, I knew I would miss the sunset. The sun was HUGE going down over the horizon, and I was trying to hurry to catch a glimpse of it before it disappeared. Then, the corn was in the way to see the full beauty, but it still was pretty!
Sunset over the corn.JPG
This morning, clouds delayed sunrise for quite a while, but it finally emerged. Hoping more rain to come as the day continues on.
Sunrise this morning was late.JPGSunrise.JPG
Still supposed to be mid 80's today, but only mid 60's tomorrow, so hoping a good front will push in some serious rain! Got a nice shower earlier, but didn't last very long. I need a really good soaking rain.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I keep checking the weather map in motion. Earlier it looked like my best chance of rain was around noon. They were wrong. It's 12:30, nothing threatening out there, just a bunch of clouds. Now it looks like maybe 4:45 ... but it will be quick and fast and out of here, so not much chance of an all day nice soaking rain like I had hoped. Darn!!!
On a good note, I did get the spring bulbs planted - crucus, hyacinths and 2 colors of tulips - in the new landscaped area. So, will be happy to see some color there next spring. And, moved 3 hosta plants, made them into about 12 plants, went around base of one elm ... AFTER I soaked the area, dug holes, soaked it again, planted hostas, and soaked really good. Yeah, it's that dry here. I wanted something to do outside. LOL
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
It's raining!!!! I made it happen. LOL I planted spring bulbs, had to water the ground to loosen it up to dig, then transplanted some hostas, again, watering ground before and after digging holes, and then after transplanting. Temps have gone from 85 to 76 in the 5 minutes since the storm blew in, which happened all of a sudden. Lightening, thunder, BOOM, it's here! Wind whistling at the front door, but it's raining a good soaking rain. I hope it keeps it up for a few hours minimum. Sure can use it. :banana: :claphands: :banana:

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