We had such nice warmth today but spent it slaving over that tree we were digging up and moving. Man what a job! Am dead again! Tree is up and planted and tied to 4 stakes otherwise our wind around here would knock it down in one full swoop!
It got a boo boo on one side of the trunk but hubby put a piece of duct tape on it to make it feel better.
Here it the poor thing crammed up against our house not look too good. It's the one on the right.
Hoping it will grow better in its new spot.
All dug out around it but underneath there is some long tap roots.
So we had to resort to the neighbors tractor to try and pry it up. Really took a toll on that root ball and not much dirt was left on it when it got moved so hope it lives.
Here's the hole it was put into to live the rest of its hopefully long life.
Here it stands getting a nice watering and tied to 4 stakes.
This one is next and last on the moving list. Not as big as the other one thankfully.