Good grief, why in the world would they have back hoes and dump trucks by the river, Colleen? I would think now would be a time to get them as far away form the river as possible. Maybe they are trying to put down sand bags or something heavy?
I was in the middle of two "nice" storms for a while, but now they have converged on top of me. Loving the thunder and lightening and seeing the rain. It's coming straight down, so I can leave the windows and sliding glass door open, as the rain is coming from the south a little, and I have no south windows I open on my house. Love hearing the thunder and rain. Ponds are getting a refresher for sure. I only got .5" last night, but areas north of me probably got several inches. My hay that I buy each spring got rained on, he only get 5 bales (round big bales) wrapped up before the rain got there, darn it. Oh well, that's Mother Nature for you. It won't be worth much for my horses after two days of rain on it, unless it dries out well the next 5 days or so, which is what it will take to get it baled up again.
I decided I need to get my house cleaned up good, then by mid afternoon they are saying only partly cloudy, so these storms are going to move out and sun will come back. THEN I can go outside and play. Need to fix the waterfall so it doesn't leak anymore, then pull plants for a couple of ponders, and a friend who wants some cattails for near her duck pen. LOL Pond temp was 82 yesterday, but this morning thermometer said only 72. Should have gone in yesterday when it was hot, and groomed lilies and pulled a few of them. Oh well, don't HAVE to go into the pond today to get done what I need to do.