My grass is sooooo tall again! I think it was at least 10" last weekend when I mowed it the second time, so mowed it very tall, probably 5", and now it's back up at 8-10" again. Going to have to mow it high tonight, and then again on Sunday a little shorter, try to shape it up a bit. I hate it when there is all that dead grass on top, but with it being so wet, no way will my grass sweeper pick it up, too heavy. Will just have to keep mulching it back into the grass. Cannot see any difference in the dandelions I sprayed and ones I didn't this morning, but maybe in the afternoon sun they will be wilting more.
I bought a few plants at the nursery yesterday. Went in and told self NOT to buy anything, but then you know I cannot help myself! I think it's my therapy ....
Found this 5' tall Wisteria (grow 20-30', but I'll keep it trimmed or make it climb back on itself, have to build at least 8' tall trellis) and could not believe the number of buds on it ... just HAD to have it!
Then, boss took me to nursery to pick out my own plant! Got this Bleeding heart, supposed to stay green all summer long, instead of die out like the old fashioned ones do shortly after blooming in spring.
And, Mouse Ears Hosta (thinking I can separate these before planting, but will see when I get ready to plant)
Tequila Sunrise Coreopsis
Silene Dioica Clifford Moor - evergreen so I'll have some color all winter with the bi-colored leaves.