My brother who is a bachelor, never married, loves cats, and loves to feed feral cats on his front porch. However, if you saw his front porch, you would understand that ONLY wild animals would go up it. It's a disgrace. I'm glad he doesn't live in my neighborhood! But, he's wayyyy too cheap to feed more than 1 or 2 at a time. I'd be getting traps from the animal control, Sissy, and trapping those suckers and getting them taken care of that way. If they are wild, how can you blame any of the neighbors? They will all say they are not their cats! That's awful that you are having to pay for all those wiper blades. Yep, I'd take the matter into my own hands. I'll just be if you baited live traps with cat food, you would catch several every night. Put the traps side by side, so one cat will be curious what happened to the other one, especially of the caught one is eating the food! Good luck.