Addy, if you loose bees, my uncle is a bee keeper down in Texas. If you loose too many, you might be able to get some from him. I don’t know if he sells any of his swarms, but he’s got to do something with his new queens, so I imagine selling some would be an option.1F worried about our bees, nothing we can do, but sure worried about them. We have never had a winter this cold since we started.
Not worried about the ponds they will do just fine.
NORMALLY here we don't wrap them, as it warms them too much over our wimpy winters. This winter it would have helped for these few weeks of cold but then need to unwrap as then they get to warm.people here wrap their hives up with blankets in winter...
wow that's pretty darn cold for you guys down there. Never realized it was so bad but just listening to the weather reports from down sourh,NORMALLY here we don't wrap them, as it warms them too much over our wimpy winters. This winter it would have helped for these few weeks of cold but then need to unwrap as then they get to warm.
We have some snow coming then even a colder cold smack then what we just had. Frigid this year. Pond is really iced over. It was 1f this am.
I will probably lose some plants that have struggled at teen temps.
It is right here with us Colleen. We are to get 10" of snow tonight! And below 32 temps for days, so it won't melt until next week. What is happening this year????It was so nice today and there for a while the sun was shining so bright and it felt like spring. So happy that the Canadian Arctic. Cold front left Canada.... Wonder where it went. He he he...
I was gone too for a while, had lots on my plate, my mom got sick and went to hospital and then had to find good retirement home for her and fixed up her old apoartment and sold that. Then my dad died and I had to arrange everything with no help from 4 other siblings. Just like my mom, when she got sick I had to do pretty much everything myself, moved her myself, fixed up her old place myself, sold it with no help from other siblings. Then the one crazy vegan sister, not the one that was pregnant at 51, the other equally crazy vegan made so much trouble for me at hospital and retirement home, trying to force my mother to be vegan. She was so out of control they had to call security on her at hospital and old folks home. Had to get a court order to force her to behave! Then I suspect that she took large amounts of my mothers money before she went into hospital to buy worthless junk stock, and lost half the money. Good thing I fixed up her condo and sold that at a good price just so I could afford to get my mom into a nice retirement home. It was so much stress that for a while my heart was beating so hard. My brother was equally stressed out and sick so he was not able to help but at least he was not causing me so much stress like the crazy vegan sisters...
That was one heck of a stressed out year for me. But I am still alive and that God for getting me though everything. I swear at times I had a Angel watching out for me!
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