thank you so much haver for sharing your pictures and explanations. I have a couple questions for you. One is are the ball valves to help stop the tank from overflowing? If so how do they work or better yet how are they set up?
In you last photo you have a copper pipe with and yellow handle in the bottom cut out. Is that so you can easily drain the tank to clean it?
The ball valves are to control where the water goes. Yes if I only had one hose to the skippy, it would overflow. If I had a good size waterfall weir it may not but with only the 3 exit pipes coming out it does not exit as fast as it is going in. So I have the main ball valve on the top of the skippy where the water would flow down the pipe to the bottom of the skippy. This is where I control the flow of water going into the skippy. I have 1 hose coming from the pump out of the pond to the just before the skippy where I split the 2 lines. I would prefer to only have the one line going into the skippy but I cannot till I get I get a weir or something to let water OUT of the skippy faster. The second ball valve which you see down lower where the 2 lines are split is wide open. It is just there in case I want to shut off the flow to the extra hose. The vertical black pipe you see sticking above the skippy is not capped and prevents water from running back into the pond when the pump is shut off. I dont know if you want to know how the pvc is set up inside the skippy or not but if you go to the diy section of the forum there are some threads how to make your own stock tank filter. That would show you much better than I could explain it. lol
The ball valve and copper pipe you see at the bottom, backside of the tank, is how I drain the skippy. The copper peice is just something hubby found laying around that fit the hole and I wanted to drain it into a preform i have so I could use the water in the garden. I need to get a fitting to put on there and take off the copper thingy, so I can just attach a length of sump pump tubing so I can easily just let it run down the slope if I want.
Now just saying, I do not like the connections where they are before the skippy, if any of those hoses came apart, it could drain my pond. Better to have fewer connections, or have them in the water or we should of used rigid pvc and glued the joints. Till I make up my mind what I want to do with a bog and the falls, this is what I ended up with for now.
Hope this helps, I certainly am no expert on this subject just showing you what I have done. Some others have their filters situated so they cannot be seen like mine. Well hidden etc. so maybe someone els will chime in and show you theirs. I know Sissy keeps all her tubing going to her filters inside her falls and there is liner under everything just in case. And check out the construction thread as it has a lot of helpful information there.
I'm happy to answer any of your questions but remember i"m pretty new at this and I'm sure there are better ways then mine.