tmann you go to the doc's? Cuz if not maybe you should go and get some of those anti-biotics like addy's honey did
I am
ANTI anti-biotics. Anti-biotics are NOT good for you. They should only be used as a last resort. Too many physicians prescribe them to people who have a minor ailment and that only serves to train the strain of the bacteria, virus or micro-organism that has infected your body to overcome it (the antibiotic) and it also stalls your body's own immune system's response. You are doing two things wrong here. Giving the invader the opportunity to define and overcome the weaknesses of your defense system AND allowing your bodies own defense system to weaken or become a slacker.
The best defense is to eat right, drink right, exercise right, sleep right and believe right. A positive attitude and a good balanced diet will do much more good for your immune system and overall health than any doctor can possibly hope to achieve.
The next time you go to your doctor for a general checkup, ask him or her about this. They are under the hypocratic oath, so they cannot lie.
I have never had an influenza shot in my life and I have never had influenza. I have never had the mumps, measles or chickenpox. My tonsils are still in tact, I have most of my wisdom teeth in my mouth. I sleep all winter under an open window and I eat red meat and drink beer. I work hard and I play hard. The last time I was sick to the point of vomiting was when I was in 7th grade in 1978/79 and I did not miss a day of school. I threw up, brushed my teeth, went back to bed and got up later to shower, dress and go to school.
My Mom asked me if she should call the school and tell them I was sick. I was so mad, I told my Mom that I was not going to be sick! I will not be sick! I am going to school! And I did and I was not sick and it was a normal day at school for me.
Your mind has great control over your health. Your attitude, diet, proper exercise and proper sleep are your most valuable defenses. You need five hours of sleep, no less. Any more than 7 hours is too much sleep. If you are not working your body (exercising properly) during the day, you will not sleep properly. If you find that you are still tired after sleeping for six hours, you are not doing something right during your day.
Believe me, if you live right and be happy, you will live long and you will be healthy all the while.
Here is my most favorite source of inspiration... From the John Wayne movie The Cowboys....
THE DUKE: All right! We've seen what you can do with a boy. How are you when they come a little bigger?
RUSTLER: You mean you?
THE DUKE: Yeah, why don't you tell your boys to just sit this one out?
RUSTLER: Ohhhh, Mr. Anderson. You love to make it happen, don't you?
THE DUKE: You havin' any of it?
RUSTLER: Well Sir. You're a pretty old man.
THE DUKE: Yeah. I'm 30 years older than you are. Had my back broke once and my hip twice. And on my worst day, I could beat the HELL out of you!
RUSTLER: I don't think so.
You know that the Duke gets shot to pieces in the end and dies, but it is that character and will in his spirit that we all need to harbor to keep us healthy.
Then we can go out with a bang and not a whimper.
Stay clear of the anti-biotics and take a dose of bullheaded, stubborn, downright belligerent force of stern attitude! It will do you good and you will feel good!
You'll also probably accomplish more throughout your day and throughout your life.