Haha, I can understand that, Sissy. I have always liked well water. I think the reason I don't like it here has to do with there are two wells, and it seems like there are two water lines coming into the house, too. The two lines go to the same pump, so I have a feeling the one well that I cannot get to (there is no hole in the concrete lid, and it's 5' across, so my tractor would have a hard time lifting ...) is bad and needs bleach, but I don't know how to get to it! If the pump pulls from both, then that well is making the water taste kinda yucky. The wells are not very deep, I think less than 50'. Around here, they do 3' wide wells, because water is pretty close to the surface. If you have a well around here that is more than 100', it's REALLY hard water. My well has lots of minerals in it that my aquarium fish do not like, or I don't like because it causes foggy water, but other than that, it's great. Very soft because of the softener, and I think I would like it just fine filtered before the softener. There is something a water softener does to water that makes coffee really yucky, and we all know how we like our morning coffee!