I would think colors fading would have to do with the quality of the paint as much as the sun. We have lots of sun here, too, but paint is made for it, if you buy the right stuff. Lots of paint is cheap, and that's just what it is ... cheap. BUT, that being said, I'm hoping my burgandy roofs on the barns that I painted won't fade and look awful in a few years. It's been 2 years so far, and they still look great. Painted them to match the new steel I had put on the big barn.
JW, I can't imagine a previous builder would not have continued the roof line over that double garage. Shame on him! Good for your painter guy! He did a fabulous job, I can see why he has lots of work. People like that don't need to advertise, just do good job, and they get referrals from others they do work for, like you.
I am having a fun evening! Went outside to check on the puppies, and a hawk flew out of large pine tree. I think it's a sharp shinned hawk. Then noticed him dive bombing the flock of pigeons that live in the hay barn, which was interesting to watch. Then saw him to into the same tree I spotted him go into this past week twice, while I was working on new project outside. So, armed myself with laptop, camera, and binoculars ... oh and a glass of wine, of course, and headed to the deck to watch the action. Got a pic of him on the old barn roof, but he's looking the other way. He's definitely hunting other birds. Wondering now if he/she has a nest in the old maple tree, and that the baby hawk that was found in my yard 3 weeks ago was from this parent. I think it's exciting ... won't think so if it decides to go fishing in my ponds, but loving the action I'm seeing tonight. He just flew by to the side of my house, and it's getting dark, so will have to take up this bird watching in the a.m. I love hawks, so this guy gets to stay, as long as he doesn't bother my fish. He can hunt all the frogs he wants, but there are plenty of them in the farm pond in the pasture, easier and less worry about humans getting in the way. Thinking he's interested in the pigeons. Probably the reason the flock was on the electric wire, sagging it down almost to the lower wire a few nights ago!

I have quite a flock that live in my hay barn. They are welcome, eat all the bugs they want.

I know they make a mess, but so far they have not messed up the bales of hay that get put in there for the winter, so I'm not worries. All nature is welcome at my "farm". :blueflower:
Here's the hawk, he's looking the other way when I took the pic, but turned out pretty clear. Pretty sure it's a sharp shinned hawk, but not positive. Looks very dark when flying, not white on the wings, so may be a different type of predator bird. Very cool, either way.