The Good Banter Thread

Jul 15, 2012
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Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
CountryEscape said:
Fishy, I was going to suggest a harness, but then you would need a "bull" to hold onto him! LOL Maybe you have a large established tree in your yard, away from any flowers, that you can tie him to ... with a log chain LOL ... while you wash him? Funny, but with a horse, if you have a hold on them with a halter and lead rope, and stand in the middle, no extra help needed, and just squirt them gently with a hose, they run in circles, finally figure out the water is not going to kill them after all, and they stop and enjoy it. What's funny is watching two people try to accomplish the same thing. Taught many a 4-Her to do this. They would tell me, "My horse hates water!" Next time they came to a show, they would smile and said my "trick" worked. But, again, you need to be able to get up close to wash him. I would think in our heat we are having (you, too, I'm sure) he would love to be sprayed off with a hose! Maybe it's the scrubbing he doesn't like, or the shampoo, but again, would think he would like the scrubbing part, too, like JW said ... rubbing his belly. Good luck!
Adorable turtle babies, Addy. Sooooo sad the sand is washing away. I hope that gets taken care of until it's where it needs to be. Can't imagine trying to replace sand on an ocean front. You can't do it on a calm pond very well either, it floats and moves to the bottom of the pond. Hope someone saves those turtle eggs soon, and helps the little guys make it to the ocean.
lol yes we are having very hot weather right now. you would think that he would like a cool wash..... BUT NOOOOOO
you guys should have seen me trying to wash the mud and poopy off of his feet! Ha! He squealed and squalled with me chasing him allllll over the back yard. Hahaha. It was so funny. And boy was he mad at me after that. Lol. Pig can hold a grudge you know :)

Sissy, that might be an idea, I'll ask the vet at his next check up. There are several meds that dog can have the pot bellies can't, and I'm still learning, so I'll find out. I also thought about benadryl too.

JW, you are very correct in the belly rubs. In fact, as long as someone is rubbing his belly, he will let me cut his hooves, and lay perfectly still. Pretty sure that even after I got him on the ground rubbing his belly, if I pulled out the water hose....... Let's just say he may be big, but he can moooooove lol. I had also thought about making a corral of sorts out of pallets, something allong the lines of a head shoot or something? But then I got to get him in it! Lol


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
Hardiness Zone
United States
Well thought I was all set with pond and go out and tank is over flowing into the liner and back in the pond and could not figure it out at first but think I got one of the out flow pipes was clogged a bunch of muck built up in it and found a small pinp pong ball in it .Now where that came from I have no clue as how it got there as I never owned a ping pong ball .I cleaned it off and that's whaat it was .I am guessing one of those dogs next door must have been over here at one time and climbed up on the rocks could have been in there for weeks and wonder if those dogs when they plucked my popeye out there were after there ball .Darn dogs .Hopefully I fixed it .
Sep 18, 2012
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Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a
Check this out.

Previously, traveling to our children's homes in North Tarrant County was both nerve very racking and very time consuming. Especially for Cathy who does all of our driving The trips took from one to two hours for just 15 to 20 miles one way. All of that trouble was due to over congested highways and road construction. Now it seem our future drives to see our love ones should be much better because the five year road projects are complete............wait for it..........wait for it...........there are now an astounding 26 lanes! Yes, that's correct, 26 lanes connecting North Tarrant County to DFW Airport and Dallas (and visa versa). I could hardly believe it when the announcer said 26 lanes (13 each direction). Holy moly! Not to make myself sound like a rube I assume other, larger metropolitan areas probably have even bigger highways.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Went rock "shopping" at a local creek, because the water is way down, can walk across the creek. Came upon these gar skeletons under the bridge. Funny, because 10 minutes after we got there, another lady came and said her daughter found this large skeleton, and she took it with her. We found 3 more, and probably the body skin from the larger one she took. Very strange, as didn't think gar would be in a creek of this size. The water is running, but very shallow in most areas, although there are pools that may be as deep as 2-3' at this time of year. Wondering if someone had caught them, and tossed them over the bridge, where local critters (raccoons, opossums, skunks, fox, coyotes, etc.) feasted on the flesh. They sure were picked clean, and the scaly skin looked more like a snake's skin than fish.
Here is the collection I brought home:
Gar skelatons.JPG
This is the largest of the 2 full skeletons, and a close up of the head, mouth and teeth of that one.
Larger gar skelaton.JPGClose up of head, mouth and teeth.JPG
This one was a little smaller, but seems to have a totally different shaped head, but teeth are just as sharp and tiny.
Smaller gar skelaton.JPGCloseup of smaller gar head.JPG
This set of scales/skin was likely from the larger gar that the lady took.
Emma and I looked on the internet, and think they most resemble the black gar, but really have no idea. As I said, the head of the two are totally different looking in my opinion. What do you think?


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Man that is a lot of lanes Lou! We don't have anything like that here in Seattle...................maybe 5 lanes in each direction.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Oh, and here are the rocks we hauled up out of the creek and then hauled to the truck.
Rock collection from creek.JPG
This rock looked really neat, kind of square, but was in the sand, so had to dig it out. When I pulled it out, it was like someone had sliced it up into 5 flat rocks! They were all from the original rock, thought this was pretty cool to find.
Stack of rocks.JPG
And, Emma and I decided this one looked like a turtle shell, so I hoisted it up the hill to the truck. Will see if I can find a head and legs out of rocks to put with the body. :)
Turtle rock.JPG
All in all, pretty nice collection.
Sep 18, 2012
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Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a

My long absent landscape designer / contractor returns! After no answer to 10 messages I called the owner of one of his plant suppliers and told him my dismay. Received a call this morning from our man and amazingly without asking he was here promptly this morning. Supposedly, his crew will be here in 3 days to perform required trimming. Of course I'll be paying but that's okay. This designer created our gardens so we needed him to carry out a growth evolution and trimming to achieve the natural look for which we paid so much money. Fingers crossed.
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a

A few weeks back a spare room was thoroughly cleared of all old this and that. The many bags and boxes were then staged in our garage to await being put on the curb for trash pickup. Seems I got my days mixed up and had numerous filled boxes put out on recycling day. Also seems some enterprising citizen took the boxes thinking they held goods suitable for a fee market or such. Inside one the boxes the person found a small plastic bag containing 1940's - 1960's photo's. Being a most kind individual he or she brought this bag back to our doorstep where we found it this evening. In addition to becoming reacquainted with the images our faith in the consideration of others was heightened. :)

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