Sadly, this isnt anything new. Being in a construction trade, we hear of someone being taken every once in awhile. There are enough scam artists and hacks out there, we've done a few things to reassure clients. #1 we OFFER references where the client can see similar work completed and speak with that homeowner. Not a quarentee, since folks could lie, but it does help reassure folks who have already been burned. #2 we OFFER proof of insurance, which a client is welcome to call our agent to verify they have had our account for more than 20 years and has NEVER been a claim. It's amazing how many businesses are NOT insured. #3 we generally dont ask for much money upfront, but UPON CLIENTS SATISFACTION AT COMPLETION. Once in awhile, I will ask for $100 SCHEDULING fee from new clients, which simply means they are on the schedule, and is deducted off of their bill. This, with a signed contract is more for our protection. Also, if it is a new client, we may ask for material costs, if they are more than a few hundred, but not always. We do a lot of work for folks not living here, via a phone call, so if we havent met before, it's just reassurance they are infact the person authorized to request the work, ANYONE needing work done should NOT be afraid to question a contractor!!! A LEGIT business will understand.