until the 1930s over 90% of all medications contained some cannabis oil, extract, powder etc... the U.S government used to pay subsities to farmers to grow it. then along came the rich folks involving themselves in pharmacology. now they couldnt patent a natural plant. so they had it banned, and started producing chemical versions of the plants medicinal properties. until 1937 there wasnt a doctors office that didnt have cannabis derived meds in it. nor a pharmacy. never had a side effect to them. if you take too much cannabis meds, at the worse, you'll eat, and get a goodnights sleep. lol greed is the main reason why these meds were faded out. did you know one of their first claims was that it made white women promiscuous and lust after black men and other minorities? at a time when interracial relations and racial purity was a big concern...... propagation of lies, a undeserved imaginary stigma. and greed...even today.
to this day can you name one single chemical med that doesnt carry multiple warnings and side effects? how many cause organ damage? failure? and risks of things far worse than what they treat?... emergency medicine saves lives...but most of the chemicals they push on people are little more than masks for symptoms and do absolutely nothing to solve the underlying issue(s). hypocrates said it best..."let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food" most of todays maladies, ilnesses and chronic conditions are merely a symptom of our increasingly nutritionless, over processed, over preserved, garbage food supply.
*** just a note..cannabis as a food is extremely healthy and has absolutely no 'HIGH' to it. untill heated marijuana is absolutely inert... just healthy.