Great news!!! I found out the local Humane Society will pay for pit bulls to be spayed or neutered. And, they will pay me for food if I foster him. So, I'm going to take them up on the free neuter offer, if he stays around that is. Right now, all my dogs wanted to come back into the house (washed blanket and their pet beds, so they are all nice and fresh and WARM fresh out of the dryer), and " Barney" (I've nicknamed him that LOL) is on the back deck. I won't necessarily require them to pay me for food, as I'm sure they can use their funds on other dogs. I can afford to feed him, but I hate to have to pay for a neuter when I know he will be going to someone else's home. Also, will have to find out how he does in the neighborhood. I know he already went to "Dot's" house, jack russell just past my house, and she barked at him, so he came back here. It doesn't seem like he is a fighter, just goes with the flow, so he should be ok with that. We don't have any other dogs within a mile of me besides Dot. Next dog is a Border Collie that protects her yard viciously, so he won't want to tangle with her! I just would love to feed him and watch him fill out again into the beautiful dog I'm sure he could be. He's soooo thin, can count each rib, and his head is HUGE in comparison to his skinny body. Haha, he need to grow into his head, how funny is that?!

I've been outside many times to pet him, reassure him he's welcome here and my dogs have taken to him as well. That surprises me, but I guess beagles are not territorial, my female Boston loves all dogs, and the mix breed, Yukon, seems to love everyone as well. If Barney sticks around until evening, when the dogs go out to sleep in the barn, and he follows them, he probably will stick around. Just ticks me off ... I could go on and on ... about people dumping dogs, especially in the winter like this! Remember, Yukon showed up here the 5th of March last year, and he was just an 8 week old pup! Stupid people ... STUPID PEOPLE!!!! I should write a letter to the editor, but I don't even get the paper, so I would not know when/if it got printed, about people who dump dogs, and the disservice they do to the dog.