The Knife Fight
When I was a bad ass litte kid of about 6 we lived in a big southern style home named "The Vasa House". One Sunday morning while the rest of the family finished getting ready for church I decided to climb up to the top of the pump house. Me being me I slipped and slashed open my face on the corragated tin roof.
.......Fast forward past the panic, nashing of teeth, cursing (on Sunday can you belive it), crying and trip to the only doctor within 25 miles......
Days later I was back outside playing with a friend. When he saw my face all wrapped up he ask me what happened. Me being a wantabe hoodlum answered "Got cut in a knife fight!". No sooner had the last syllable left my lips when my mother shouted "Boy, you lying little thing! You know you cut yourself falling off the pump house." So in less than a minute my attempt to give myself a reputation as a 6 year old knife fightin' hoodlum was shattered.
When I was a bad ass litte kid of about 6 we lived in a big southern style home named "The Vasa House". One Sunday morning while the rest of the family finished getting ready for church I decided to climb up to the top of the pump house. Me being me I slipped and slashed open my face on the corragated tin roof.
.......Fast forward past the panic, nashing of teeth, cursing (on Sunday can you belive it), crying and trip to the only doctor within 25 miles......
Days later I was back outside playing with a friend. When he saw my face all wrapped up he ask me what happened. Me being a wantabe hoodlum answered "Got cut in a knife fight!". No sooner had the last syllable left my lips when my mother shouted "Boy, you lying little thing! You know you cut yourself falling off the pump house." So in less than a minute my attempt to give myself a reputation as a 6 year old knife fightin' hoodlum was shattered.