As a matter of fact I do Mogsie--15 plus years and Counting in the Natural Gas Industry working for the largest Pipeline Co. in North America. And once again dont believe the propaganda the mainsream media spews out regarding Fracking. Same thing, different story they have an agenda and their Agenda is pitting competing energy sources against one another in order to promote their views of global warming and world equality. Years ago I was a Coal Miner and the media and the Liberals worked to Destroyed that Industry (and still are) as far as a Domestic Energy Resource because of its potential for air polution-even though technology was moving forward with clean coal, and exhaust stack scrubbing they still worked to kill it off domestically even though its still mined big time here to send to China and 3rd world Countries where it is burned in power plants that are even less technogly advanced than ours which since we are a global atmosphere I dont understand how it benifits the Global Warming Crowd to burn it anywhere on the Globe if its SO Dangerous UNLESS their other Agenda to even up the worlds economies by making it easier and cheaper to burn in 3rd world countries and harder and more expensive to burn in America and first world Economies takes precident over a Global Warming Agenda--Thats Liberal Socialist Policies and their Pet News Media for you. On to Competing Technologies and present day America-- the War on Coal still Rages on but now theve thrown Natural Gas under the bus also ( even though Natural Gas is the cleanest burning hydrocarbon we have) along with Coal and Oil--Why, because their Agenda is to push for Solar Panals, Wind Mills, Battery Powered Cars, Algae and every other PIE in the Sky technology that may or may not become the wave of the future but is not ready for prime time yet (when Price, Effenency, and Reliability converge they will be ready--not when you have to give massive tax subsidies in order for someone to be interested in it) Anyway to your Question, Natural Gas was fine with the Liberals and their Media when it was a dying resource ( just like Oil it was thought we had reached Peak Gas and Production was in Decline) Jimmy Carter famously said we are running out of Nat Gas in 1977. Then a man named George Mitchel refined an old Technology that had been around for years called Hydraulic Fracturing by integrating with a new technolgy called directional or horizontal drilling to get at the narrow seams of Gas laden Shale which completly rejuvinate the gas industry. Suddenly Natural Gas was a threat to the liberals dream of Pie in the Sky, Sunshine and Wind as well as leveling the playing field between the great western economies and 3rd world economies so they sicced their propaganda machine Media to Destroy Natural Gas like they did for Coal--Unfortunatly for them Nat Gas is Clean and Cheap and isnt locked away in the gulf or on public lands under Government control and Regulation--its on Private ground in large Basins called Shale Plays so the Liberal Government and The Media have tried to destroy it the only way they can-- by demonizing Fracking a Technology thats been employed problem free since the 1940s--so they have taken the few polution incidents that they have found and tried to turn a minor problem into a major one thru a whispering campaign and outright Lies. I'm sure there are instances and I'm sure they have increased mostly because this technologys use has increased dramatically so with increased use you are bound to have more polution until all of the companies that have moved into this field gain expierence and develop good practices