Sheetmetalman, you made some outstanding comments there. I totally agree. Someone previously said that our country was improving up until about was it 40 or 50 years ago, and now the clothing is sloppy, people don't respect others, everyone is working with no parent staying home to raise their own children. Yes, I agree with this, times have changed, and it's not for the good. Everyone wants more, children especially. It's a sad State when they have to advertise to get your children to go outside to play. That's what we did as kids, that was our "fun". Now, kids sit behind computers, video games, they don't even know HOW to play with other kids. They are pressured and pushed to do all the sports if they are sports minded, but others just sit on the couch and watch tv or play with electronics. And, as SMM pointed out, what type of movies and games do they watch/play? Kill-em-up games!
I totally agree, too, that this rural area we are living in (SMM and myself) is all about hunting and guns, and their safety. My son, too, was raised around guns, he grew up just like you SMM with small to larger guns. He taught all the neighborhood kids to be safe with their guns. Those other kids' parents would get them a gun, then more or less turn them loose with them, not even the basics of gun safety. My son taught them, and watched them like a hawk. If they shot their gun, didn't put the safety on, and wheeled around to see what he thought of their shot, he would take the gun, and they would not be allowed to shoot their own gun the rest of that day. That's how he showed them he was boss, and you do NOT get careless with a gun. Those kids all respected my son, and he wasn't a big guy either, he's only 5'5", and most of those kids were bigger than him, but they respected him, because he was firm with them, and his way was the right way, and you abided by his rules or you didn't come shoot at his targets. That's the way parents need to raise kids. Firm rules, and when kids break them, there has to be punishment. I get so sick and tired of hearing about "time out" chairs. Good grief, give them a swat on their butt, send them to their room to think about what they did. It doesn't kill them, it gets their attention. I was never beat, in fact I seldom ever got a spanking, but I sure remembered them when I DID! Parents only think about how much money they are making, if their bills will be paid, and then splurge still on their kids, because they don't take the time to do things with them. Yeah, it's all wrong. I just hope that someone figures out a way to turn this society back around soon.