The Good Banter Thread


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
My honey can't get out this year to shop so I said we could have a very nice Christmas and give from the heart. I am going to clean HIS section of the basement out so I can build this big heavy duty self that I have now had for five years, still in the box, but had no place to built it cause he did not made room in basement, so I will clear a spot and do it for him. My honey is very sick with the radiation treatments and all I want from him for Christmas is just for him to be happy and comfortable and free of pain.
Sep 18, 2012
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Desoto, Texas (Dallas County) North Texas, Zone 8a
My honey can't get out this year to shop so I said we could have a very nice Christmas and give from the heart. I am going to clean HIS section of the basement out so I can build this big heavy duty self that I have now had for five years, still in the box, but had no place to built it cause he did not made room in basement, so I will clear a spot and do it for him. My honey is very sick with the radiation treatments and all I want from him for Christmas is just for him to be happy and comfortable and free of pain.

A wonderful gift!
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
CE that's nice that you are giving the kids a cruise, are you going with them too?
Yep, I'm going on the cruise, too! Also my sister and her two kids, so the boys will bunk together, and the girls will, too. Our brother and his wife are going, as well as a cousin, his wife, 2 girls and their husband/boyfriend will also be along. And, last but not least, my mother and her boyfriend. So, there will be 16 of us and we will all gather at a very large table, or 2 tables side by side for supper each evening. :)
And, I'd like to make a comment about putting guns in the hands of members of schools. First, if you put a gun in the hand of our local school principal, I think more people will be in danger. LOL And, if not ALL of the teachers have and know how to shoot a gun and are confident with them, then it's no use to give any of them a gun. I just know that putting guns in hands of people who normally would not own a gun would be dangerous. It would take a LOT of training, not just one shooting session. And, there should be practices as well, with no kids in the school, and blanks in all the guns, to see how the individuals would react. You know that one of those guns would still have the real bullets in it, and someone would get killed. I see lots of problems, and that's likely why they are not allowed in schools. I think it's a great idea, but I sure see more problems than solutions here.
That school was on lock down, all doors locked, the shooter shot through the door for goodness sake. Maybe, if the doors had a security device that would have locked all classroom doors when the main door was destroyed, then at least any teacher that had the skill to use a gun would be at the ready for the shooter, when he/she shot through their classroom door. Or, maybe just KNOWING that the school is more prepared, would keep the shooters away.
Jul 2, 2012
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Cape Cod, MA
I am not so sure about the concept of handing ALL teachers a gun... that is really a scarey thought there. Some folks should never touch a gun, let alone be forced into a position to defend another group of people, aka children, who will at best be unpredictable,,,, Many schools do employee an actual police officer or two... I would think between armed officers, and a lock down system would be a good start

I know our local highschool has that much, but I also see flaws in the system used by school personnal. AKA once ID has been checked, sometimes you are directed to other areas of the school, unsupervised... In my case, I did not have a child attending that school. Granted the superintendent told them to expect me (our children were homeschooled and I needed to borrow a text book), but no one there KNEW that I was a mentally stable adult REALLY there to borrow a book. If I could gain access, what about a prior student, staff family member, or what not, with ill intents?

Personally, I think "armed guards" stategically placed about the school would help with safety, as well as create a good job oppurtunity for officers not quite ready for retirement, or not quite ready to work the streets, but have passed all the basic stress tests a position like this may require. Another option would be to employ returning military members (who do not suffer from PTSD)... The expense of programs like this does not need to be extreme, nor is a guard at each class needed. Once a basic protocol has been in place, could open this position also to other qualified folks.

The overall goals would assure children (and staff) they are safe, without feeling like they are in a prison, and give a solid visual to the outside world that our classrooms are NOT unprotected...


Jan 17, 2011
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Axton virginia
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United States
ce sounds like a floating family reunion and sounds fun .I have to say the news reporters the camera and all the people reporting the CT shootings need to lay off and leave this people alone .I have been there and believe me when you are grieving the media does not need to be bothering these people .News people camping out just to get pics of the grieving families is not what this is supposed to be .I have been in there shoes and walking out you door to camera's and questions and really do they need more pain ..Leave them grieve with there family and friends ,losing a child a sister a brother a cousin a grandchild is pain enough .It hurts me :sad:
Jul 5, 2011
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Vandalia Illinois
I like your Idea Capewind of Retired police officers or Ex military gaurding our schools in some sort of paid or voluntary program. And your right too, Country Escape, I didnt mean to imply that ALL teachers or evan the Princepal should carry a gun if they are unqualified and untrained---only those that have been thru extensive concealed carry classes and gun safety glasses should qualify and then only if they agree to monthly target practice qualification at a local gun range under an instructors guidence who can sign off on their accuracy with said gun. As I said before I want those children defended NOT put in more danger by someone who likes the idea of carrying a gun but has zero commitment to get training in its safety and use--however I still believe if you have an armed Intruder bent on destroying the lives of as many innocents as possible, that a good man with a gun is the only way to stop him or them. One thing about those in the Public Eye that dont believe in Guns as protection and some of their jump-on-the-bandwagon statements on Gun Control--like some of the nonsense coming out of the mouth the senior senator from Illinois or our current president. If guns in the trained hands of someone such as a private citizen with a concealed carry permit are not a good Idea and are only adding to the problem then why do we need an armed police force or an armed military for protection--in fact if armed people wont stop the threat of an armed bad guy then why does the president need an armed Secret Service. This Country was founded on WE THE PEOPLE not WE THE GOVERNMENT and it makes me really uneasy when Government representives talk of disarming the general public for the Public Good. The Second Ammendment says its our GOD GIVEN Right to KEEP and BEAR ARMS. When a country completly disarms its populace then theres no Atrocity that cant come to pass--Ask any Jewish Servivor of WW2 Germany 's Death Camps about that.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
I ran outta likes again dog gone it! Oh well like Big Lou says:
Feb 2, 2011
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cumbria, united kingdom
sheetmetalman i cannot relate to your opinions as we live in differant countries with differant laws and differant problems, here in uk we have very strict laws regarding gun ownership, it is therefore quite difficult to get access to firearms and therefore there is much less gun crime in our country, i am not saying there is none, as their is, ( only 2 years ago some guy went driving round my hometown shooting people out of his car window with guns he was legaly permited to keep, all because some of his colleagues had been bullying him, he was a 52 yr old man) but incidents like this are very uncommon, now hardened criminals will always be able to get hold of fire arms both here in uk and in the us, but in them cases you are looking at differant types of crime ie drug related shootings, gang shootings etc, the type pf shootings in question mass killings on innocent people/children are often not planned ahead and are often spur of the moment killing due to some sort of mental breakdown, now if guns are legal and readily available in almost everybodys home then it is more easy for this individuals to gain access to them and carry out these attrocities, therefore if guns where not readily available in most peoples homes you cannot deny that it would be much harder for these individuals to gain acces to them during a mental/pshycological breakdown would it not ! as to why do you need armed policemen, then surely that is due to the fact that gun culture and gang culture is spiraling out of control in the us, here in uk we do not need armed police on the street, we have only a trained marksman unit called out in emergencies when needed. in regards to armed military, then you are talking about war, so that is a totally unrelated subject completely (as is the ww2 and the jews comment), althaugh incidents like this can and do happen within the military, but that is another topic. in regards to arming teachers with guns, well that alarms me also, how long will it be before a teacher is going through a degree of stress in their personel life and an unruly pupil pushes them to their mental limits and the teacher then pulls a gun on pupils, and then the public is shocked saying why did teachers have guns ! i am not offering a solution as i dont have one, but i do believe that if guns where less readily available and permited in everybody's homes the crime like this may not nesacerily be stoped but would grately be reduced would it not !

one last thing i would like to add, reagrding the saying "GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE DO" well thats just daft and only a pro gun person would use that phrase, as i am very sure that GUNS HELP ! if that guy had gone to the school armed with only a knife i really dont believe he would have killed as many people as he did !


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
You can't bring a knife to a gun fight, times have changed and schools have to change with the times. Some schools already have armed security. Most malls all ready have armed security. Yes it would be nice if a retired police officer would stand guard over the children, but that might not be in the budget! I see no reason why in a school that some of the teachers could not carry a concealed weapon. I have learned to shoot many weapons and so can any body else. Out of all the teachers in a school, there should be at least five people who could do rotating "security duty." Some may be very well trained and volunteer without being asked, Say the Gym teacher could do the security one week, then maybe the principle the next week, ect, The security roster could be made secret, so only those on the "security detail list" would know who has the gun this week, this would not compromise the identity of the person on undercover security. If I was a teacher I would demand to have my own gun and keep it strapped to my body at all times, with the "safety on" . I would have no problem shooting a mad man armed to the teeth in the head and I would be more than happy to save the little children and not just throw my "body" at the mad man. These people were totally unarmed, sitting ducks waiting helpless . These nut cases pick on the helpless cause they are cowards! You don't see them shooting up a police station or even a mall much as they now have security. Even here not more than 75 miles away in Taber, about ten years back or so, there was a nut that killed a couple kids right here in Alberta.

I see no good reason why "Smith and Wesson" can't protect today's children!!!

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