Anyone who would ask HOW God could allow this missed out on the most basic of religious teachings... aka it is not for us to question His will or teachings.
God, nor our Pledge of Allegiance are not allowed in most schools out of fearing of offending someone... sorry, this country was founded on basic principles, which we are removing from our lives at every level. We have become a dont ask, dont tell society on nearly every topic.
I will continue to say Merry CHRISTmas to all... I dont give a damn if I offend anyone... That said, if someone wants to wish me a Happy Hanukkah, I will politely and sincerely say Thank You. I am not Hebrew, Jewish, or what not, I simply respect another persons RIGHT to celebrate whatever it is, they want to celebrate, but please show mutual respect for my CHOICE to believe how *I* feel fit.
I am not proud of MY feelings towards Mr Lanza, however being that I am not a god, maybe there is a lesson there I am supposed to be learning,, and simply refuse.
All I know is when I initially heard the news, my heart sank... went through a lot of emotions as we all did... THEN as if I couldnt feel any worse, was still watching as roughly 20 parents were waiting for their children come from another classroom, and none came...