Years ago a new large church named "These Are They" was built close to our neighborhood. One Saturday while driving by the church we saw men working outside so we decided to drop by and welcome them to the neighborhood. We were greeted by a friendly fellow who said they appreciated our welcome. He then said, and I quote, "We wish you white folks would join our church because we want your checks in our collection plate!". Fast forward ten tears to last week. A knock on the door. There stood a nicely dressed gentleman with a "These Are They" name plate pinned to his suit coat. After customary greetings the gentleman said, and I again quote, "I noticed you have a very nice house so I stopped by to invite you to attend our church or at least make a donation.". I politely thanked him for coming by but I could not donate at this time. Even though years have gone by it seems this church still has a very money oriented soul saving ministry.
No offense to any religious group intended. I was merely pointing out these two particular church members recruiting strategy.