I DO NOT condone what he done and the killing of 76 people is wrong, however i can understand some of his motives tho he has taken them to the extreme, personaly i dont believe he was or is crimanaly insane, i belive he is perfectly sane and very inteligent, the fact that he planned this for 8 years says alot, infact i believe he thaught past the acts and planned the court case, he clearly wanted to be taken alive and put on trial, he phoned the police and surrendered giving the police his full name and putting down his arms, i have been following the case closely, recieving live updates from the court room via twitter, only cos i think this must be the 1st court case of its kind, and i am intrigued as to how it unfolds, he accepts responsibility for everything that happened, yet he states he would do it all again, yet he claims he was acting in defence of norways future, and his acts was for the good of norway and its future generations, the case isnt about proving his guilt more about deciding whether he was sane or not, he claims he is and always has been sane, prosicution is trying to prove he is insane, he belives that the current trend in immigration and norways political stance on multiculturism will eventually take over norway (and the rest of europe), he didnt go out and kill muslims as he says it is not there fault, but lays the entire blame on the political parties, that is why he picked his targets, now i have thaught about this intensively, and personaly i believe that multi culturism CAN work, but only if it is controled and limited, here in uk the percentage of ethnic minorities is increasing tenfold, in parts of london there is signs saying "you are now entering a sharia law area" so they are now enforcing there own laws in our country, ime sure the US has its own problems with border jumpers, so it does need control so all sides can live amoungs each other happily without friction, with current patterns of immigration is it possable that in years to come they will be the majority and we the minority ?? it provokes thaught, yet i myself dont see myself as a racist person sometimes sectors of these ethnic groups can spark racism, for example when islamic extremists stand on our streets and burn our flags and burn poppies, preaching hatred to our people, if they dislike our country so much why do they stay here, intrestingly anders brievic is calling islamic extremists as some of his witnesses in his defence, so please dont think that i am praising him, i am not, and i definatly dont condone what he has done, i am just explaining why i find the case so intriguing and my personal opinion on the matter.