JW, be patient! My water primrose just started growing and showing leaves about a week ago, and so yours will, too! And, after seeing your primrose, you must have sent some to me, because I have that coming up. In fact, I transplanted some of it in small pots to the new bog. I also have the penny wart, but it just started showing leaves in the last week no more. So, I suspect our ponds are cooler than Addy's smaller ponds, and it's taking longer for them to get going. I keep seeing more and more little starts of plants each time I look in the original bog now. I'll wait until they are really well started before I transplant any of them. I had put some of the primrose from you in pots last year, so those are doing good, but I think I goofed and just plopped other plants in without putting them in any type of dirt, so they are having a harder time of getting going. Some have rooted in the pea gravel, others simply floated along, literally, and now are sending down roots, and then sending up leaves!
My pickeral rush is growing, the one plant I never could remember the name of is growing, lizards tail plants are coming up, irises stayed green and grew all winter, as well as dwarf cattails. I separated both of those pots and OMG did I get a bunch of starts for my other bog! Was a super fun day separating plants and filling my new bog. LOL