I had hubby help me chop down some ever greens that have gotten a bit big. The needles stab me and my arms break out. So I decided they need to be gone. Hubby chopped them down, I still need to bucket them away.
I planted 7 native shrubs. Some where we cut down the green things.
I was down digging the hole for the plant and I got to play with a small garter snake. It was cool and the snake was moving slow and it had bits of skin on it, must have just shedded. Then a slow moving green frog showed, nice and big a beautiful lime color. I kept the two apart...............
The snake hung out long enough and moved slow enough I was able to "pet" it ie run my fingers down its back. For size reference the larger black tube is a 3/4 inch irrigation tube. I use it to cover the cam cords so the critters don't snack on them.
The bog canna is doing beautifully!