I showed your new pics to my sister here in AZ, Addy, and wanted to ask you ... when you were in AZ and had your pond, did you have algae problems? I seem to recall you saying that you never had algae, that you had a nice large bog in AZ, too. My sister seems to think that you don't have any way of controlling the algae in AZ, because of the intense sun and heat. She has a shade screen above her pond, which really cools it down I'm sure. Just wondering! My siblings and I are all 100% German, so you can tell I'm wanting to do a "I told you so!" issue with her, although I know how to do it and get my point across without having to TELL her she's wrong. LOL She is moving back to WI when her house sells, so there won't be any bog built here, but I just had to show her your pond pics. Can't wait for her to see my ponds! Her water is not very clear, and although you can see the fish at the bottom, it sure is a blurry pic. On top, very clear, though.