Dang, that looks like a snow plow went by and pushed a bunch of extra your way, Keith! Bummer. But, bet it was simply what you had already shoveled. I actually like to shovel snow, at least so far! Some day I will not like it so much, but I love the exercise in the winter, and I don't have that much to shovel, and we never get more than 6" at a time usually. Did get 21" one year, maybe in 1981 or something LOL.
Here, 65 today, 72 tomorrow (but 21 mph winds, darn it!!!), and 64 on Sunday. Then Monday, for my son's Veteran's Day, 42. Yuck!!! Guess I will mow one more time, if it needs it. I mowed little over a week ago, was chilly as heck, but didn't mow near the barn and along the road, so may at least do that part. Want to make sure any leaves left will keep on blowing ....
Addy, I suspect our 72 here on Sat. will arrive on the east coast by Monday for you! I'll be sure to push it that way.
But, in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy it while it's here.
Will be hard to put things away for winter, when it's in the 60's, but knowing Monday only 42 for a high, that should convince me, wouldn't you think? No cross stitching this weekend, got to find things to do outside instead.